TED: Vi bygger en dystopi bara för att få folk att klicka på annonser
TED: Varför är vi så dåliga på att berätta om goda nyheter?
TED: Hur AI kan användas för att avkoda gamla skriftsrullar
TED: Nästa globala supermakt är inte den du tror
TED: Vår farliga besatthet av perfektionism blir allt värre
TED: Det potentiella amerikanska TikTok-förbudet – och vad som står på spel
Imorgon (måndag) startar Magasin Mackens sommarföljetong – Taggen
Måndag, onsdag och fredag - tre avsnitt i veckan av Taggen - Magasin mackens sommarföljetong. en historia om en enkel man, med enkla vanor, lite för trött, lite för cynisk med lite för många kilon runt magen och iu lite för dålig kondition. En rätt vanlig medelålders,...
TED: Därför ger bättre sömn ett bättre sexliv
Vill du ha ett hälsosammare kärleksliv? Sov bättre, säger sömnforskaren Matt Walker. I det här avsnittet förklarar han hur man kan öka fertiliteten och vitaliteten genom att få mer kvalitet att sluta ögat – plus hur sex till och med kan förbättra din sömn....
TED: Den viktigaste hemligheten med design är … att se saker
As human beings, we get used to "the way things are" really fast. But for designers, the way things are is an opportunity ... Could things be better? How? In this funny, breezy talk, the man behind the iPod and the Nest thermostat shares some of his tips for noticing...
TED: Hur du upptäcker auktoritarism – och väljer demokrati
Democracy is about having choices — and authoritarianism is about not having them, says lawyer and writer Ian Bassin. Detailing the seven steps of the authoritarian playbook, he invites us all to put aside our differences and rethink our role in the fight for freedom,...
TED: Din rätt att reparera AI-system
For AI to achieve its full potential, non-experts need to contribute to its development, says Rumman Chowdhury, CEO and cofounder of Humane Intelligence. She shares how the right-to-repair movement of consumer electronics provides a promising model for a path forward,...
TED: Underhållning får en AI-uppgradering
AI has the power to bring your favorite fictional characters to life, says technologist Kylan Gibbs. Introducing Caleb, an "AI agent" with personality and internal reasoning, he demonstrates how AI-powered characters can interact with people in novel ways, generate...
TED: 12 förutsägelser om framtidens teknik
Techno-optimist Vinod Khosla believes in the world-changing power of "foolish ideas." He offers 12 bold predictions for the future of technology — from preventative medicine to car-free cities to planes that get us from New York to London in 90 minutes — and shows why...
TED: Kan vem som helst skriva kod nu?
What if you could code just by talking out loud? GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke shows how, thanks to AI, the barrier to entry to coding is rapidly disappearing — and creating software is becoming as simple (and joyful) as building LEGO. In a mind-blowing live demo, he...
TED: Hur kämpar du för demokrati i skuggan av envälde
Democracy may be an abstract concept, but it holds the very essence of our autonomy and humanity, says lawyer and human rights advocate Fatma Karume. Sharing her journey navigating a tumultuous political transition in Tanzania that put her life at risk, she highlights...
TED: Med rumslig intelligens kommer AI att förstå den verkliga världen
In the beginning of the universe, all was darkness — until the first organisms developed sight, which ushered in an explosion of life, learning and progress. AI pioneer Fei-Fei Li says a similar moment is about to happen for computers and robots. She shows how...
TED: Så avslöjar AI naturens och universums hemligheter
Can AI help us answer life's biggest questions? In this visionary conversation, Google DeepMind cofounder and CEO Demis Hassabis delves into the history and incredible capabilities of AI with head of TED Chris Anderson. Hassabis explains how AI models like AlphaFold —...
TED: Välkommen till en värld med tanter
Welcome to the "Auntieverse" — a surreal tribute to "auntie culture" by artist Niceaunties, inspired by the spirit of the women who care for each other and their families. From sushi-bedecked cars with legs to hot tub baths full of ramen, Niceaunties shares a visual...