Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer

Google döper om Mexikanska Golfen – men bara för amerikanska användare

Lästipset: Elon Musk är redan förbrukad

Lästipset: Därför ska du inte handla på Temu och Schein
Frustrationen visar hur beroende jag är av Iphone | SvD
Frustrationen visar hur beroende jag är av IphoneMikael Damberg och flera andra näringslivsprofiler erkänner att de är beroende av sin Iphone. Dessutom frågar sig många hur de skulle klara sig utan den. Jag funderar på hur mitt liv skulle fungera utan Iphone och...
Short of IT workers at home, Israeli startups recruit elsewhere | Reuters
When Alexey Chalimov founded software design firm Eastern Peak in Israel four years ago he knew he would not find the developers he needed at home.He went to Ukraine and hired 120 people to develop mobile apps and web platforms for international clients and smaller...
Russia, upping pressure on Telegram app, says terrorists use it | Reuters
Russia's FSB security service said on Monday that the Telegram messaging app had been used by terrorists to plot atrocities on Russian soil, increasing pressure on the service days after the authorities accused it of violating Russian legislation.Russia's...
Smygfotade partner under samlag döms | SVT Nyheter
En 19-årig man tog en selfie under samlag, där man även såg hans partner, och skickade den till en kompis på Snapchat. Nu döms han för kränkande fotografering i Östersunds tingsrätt.Mannen har förnekat brott då han hävdar att han hade sin mobiltelefon synlig när han...
Rickard Söderberg drabbas av like-blockering på Facebook efter kärleksfest i radio | SVT Nyheter
Rickard Söderberg hyllades efter sitt sommarprat, något som fick oväntade konsekvenser för Gaytenoren. För att visa sin uppskattning svarade han sina tiotusentals fans på Facebook tillbaka med likes vilket ledde till att en anti-spamfunktion på sidan blockerade...
Facebook in talks to produce original TV-quality shows: WSJ | Reuters
Facebook Inc is in talks with Hollywood studios about producing scripted, TV-quality shows, with an aim of launching original programming by late summer, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday.The social networking giant has indicated that it was willing to commit...
Ohio sites hacked with IS message – BBC News
A number of government websites in the US state of Ohio, including that of Governor John Kasoch, have been hacked to display a pro-IS message.It said President Donald Trump would be held accountable for "every drop of blood flowing in Muslim countries" and ended "I...
Mexican president denies spying on journalists, lawyers and activists – BBC News
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has strongly denied his government spied on prominent journalists and activists by hacking their phones.He said there was "nothing more false" than to suggest his government was behind the installation of spyware.Several alleged...
Tech investor admits sexually harassing female entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley | Technology | The Guardian
A prominent venture capitalist admitted to sexually harassing women in the tech industry, saying he leveraged his position of power in exchange for sexual gain in the latest discrimination and misconduct scandal to rock Silicon Valley.Justin Caldbeck announced on...
Australia to seek greater powers on encrypted messaging at ’Five eyes’ meeting | Reuters
Australia said on Sunday it will push for greater powers to tackle the use of encrypted messaging services used by terrorists and criminals at an upcoming meeting of ministers from the "Five Eyes" intelligence network.The United States, United Kingdom, Canada,...
10 bizarre tech-related Wikipedia entries that really exist
10 bizarre tech-related Wikipedia entries that really existPerhaps that Alternative 3 scientist disappeared into Kanye's zone?Chris Merriman@ChrisTheDJ23 June 2017Tweet Facebook Google plus Send to 0 CommentsWIKIPEDIA IS, of course, a marvel of the modern age. A...
Best Pokémon to evolve and power up in Pokémon Go Updated for new Gyms! | iMore
Pokémon Go has revealed the big Gym redesign and here are the Pokémon you want to evolve and power up to attack, defend... and raid it!Update: Pokémon Go has seriously disadvantaged high CP Pokémon in the new Gym system. Any Pokémon over 3000 CP will now lose...