Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer

Google döper om Mexikanska Golfen – men bara för amerikanska användare

Lästipset: Elon Musk är redan förbrukad

Lästipset: Därför ska du inte handla på Temu och Schein
iPhone at 10: how it changed everything | Technology | The Guardian
Ten years ago today, the first iPhone hit stores in the US. On paper, the device was nothing special: it lacked the 3G connectivity whoch was becoming standard across much of the world, its battery struggled to last a day, and its camera resolution was just two...
Svensk journalist vinner strid mot Google
(UPPDATERAD) En kriminalreporter på en stor svensk tidning med skyddade personuppgifter begärde att Google skulle plocka bort en sökträff, som leder fram till en sajt där han blivit uthängd. Sökjätten sade först nej men har nu ändrat sig sedan Datainspektionen...
Flawed reporting about WhatsApp | Open door | Paul Chadwick | Opinion | The Guardian
The Guardian was wrong to report in January that the popular messaging service WhatsApp had a security flaw so serious that it was a huge threat to freedom of speech.But it was right to bring to wide public notice an aspect of WhatsApp that had the potential to make...
A New Kind of Tech Job Emphasizes Skills, Not a College Degree – The New York Times
ROCKET CENTER, W.Va. A few years ago, Sean Bridges lived with his mother, Linda, in Wiley Ford, W.Va. Their only income was her monthly Social Security disability check. He applied for work at Walmart and Burger King, but they were not hiring.Yet while Mr. Bridges...
Hovrätten skärper straffen i Facebookvåldtäkten | SVT Nyheter
Hovrätten skärper straffen mot de tre männen som var inblandade i den uppmärksammade våldtäkten i Uppsala som direktsändes på Facebook.På onsdagseftermiddagen kom avgörandet i Svea hovrätt. Man går på åklagarens linje och skärper straffen för de tre männen som gjort...
Hacker Steals Millions of Accounts from Internet Radio Service 8tracks – Motherboard
Millions of accounts for internet radio service 8tracks are being traded on the digital underground, judging by a set of stolen user details obtained by Motherboard.8tracks is cross between a social network and an internet radio site, allowing users to stream custom...
Uptime app for watching YouTube w/ friends leaves beta, available to all | 9to5Mac
Google is unique in that it allows its employees to spend 20% of their time working on personal projects on top of their daily tasks. To help employees, Google has an incubator called Area 120 where projects can come to life. One of the latest apps to come out of Area...
Google faces years of EU oversight on top of record antitrust fine | Reuters
Beyond a headline-grabbing 2.4 billion euro ($2.7 billion) fine EU antitrust regulators have leveled against Google, the internet giant is likely to be shackled for years by Tuesday's precedent-setting decision defining the company as a monopoly.The ruling opens the...
Vaccine, not Killswitch, Found for Petya (NotPetya) Ransomware Outbreak
Cybereason security researcher Amit Serper has found a way to prevent the Petya (NotPetya/SortaPetya/Petna) ransomware from infecting computers.The ransomware has been wreaking havoc across the globe today, locking hard drive MFT and MBR sections and preventing...
Tillslag i Stockholm mot fransk piratsajt | SVT Nyheter
Polisen har slagit till mot två adresser i Stockholmsområdet där en fransk fildelningssajt ska ha haft verksamhet. En person är gripen.Det var på måndagen som kammaråklagare Henrik Rasmusson beordrade tillslaget, i samråd med franska myndigheter. Det var två platser,...
Pearl Automation, Founded by Apple Veterans, Shuts Down – The New York Times
SAN FRANCISCO Pearl Automation, a Silicon Valley start-up founded by former Apple employees who tried to combine Apples dedication to quality with a more open corporate culture, has gone out of business.The three-year-old company, whoch closed its doors last week,...
Three CNN journalists resign after Trump aide article removed – BBC News
Three journalists have resigned from CNN after the US news network retracted an article alleging a Trump aide was under investigation by Congress.The story was taken down on Friday following an internal investigation, with an apology to Anthony Scaramucci, an...