Elon Musks Starlink håller folk förslavade i bedrägeribolag

Lästipset: Hon önskar att hennes jobb inte skulle finnas eller behövas

Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer

Google döper om Mexikanska Golfen – men bara för amerikanska användare
House panel wants Google, Facebook, AT&T CEOs to testify on internet rules
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee on Tuesday asked the chief executives of Alphabet Inc, Facebook Inc, Amazon.com Inc, AT&T Inc, Verizon Communications Inc and other companies to testify at a Sept. 7 hearing on the...
45,000 Facebook Users Leave One-Star Ratings After Hacker’s Unjust Arrest
Over 45,000 users have left one-star reviews on a company's Facebook page after the business reported a security researcher to police and had him arrested in the middle of the night instead of fixing a reported bug.The arrest took place this week in Hungary after an...
The billion-dollar palaces of Apple, Facebook and Google | Art and design | The Guardian
We know by now that the internet is a giant playpen, a landscape of toys, distractions and instant gratification, of chirps and squeaks and bright, shiny things plus, to be sure, ugly, horrid beasties lurking in all the softness apparently without horizon....
Jared Kushner sealed real estate deal with oligarch’s firm cited in money-laundering case | US news | The Guardian
Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of Donald Trump, who acts as his senior White House adviser, secured a multimillion-dollar Manhattan real estate deal with a Soviet-born oligarch whose company was cited in a major New York money laundering case now being investigated by...
Global network of ’hunters’ aim to take down terrorists on the internet | Technology | The Guardian
Colonel Kurtz used to spend hours playing social games like Farmville. Now he hunts terrorists on the internet.Counter-terrorism was never meant to be Silicon Valley's job. Is that why it's failing? Read moreThe pseudonymous 41-year-old, who runs his own construction...
Hijab-wearing woman among Apple’s new emojis | News | Al Jazeera
US tech giant Apple has previewed forthcoming emojis, including one that depicts a woman wearing a hijab.More than 12 animated symbols were unveiled on Monday to celebrate World Emoji Day and will be released on Apple devices later this year, the company said."The new...
What’s next for online black markets? – Jul. 21, 2017
Show of hands: Who likes to buy illegal drugs online? How about weapons, or malware, or lists of credit-card numbers?We're sorry to inform you, but your nefarious desires just got harder to satisfy.With the takedown of two of the dark web's major marketplacesAlphaBay...
Apple adds new Customer Support role for App Developers | iLounge News
Apple has added a new Customer Support role to the iTunes Connect portal for app developers, allowing companies to provide designated representatives with the ability to respond to customer reviews on the App Store. The new role complements the change earlier this...
Svenska agenters identiteter kan ha röjts | SVT Nyheter
Uppgifter om Säpos och Försvarsmaktens agenter, som verkar under falsk identitet, kan ha röjts i samband med att Transportstyrelsens IT-system lades ut på IBM, skriver Dagens Nyheter.Det framgår av Säpos förhörsprotokoll med Transportstyrelsens förra generaldirektör...
’Darknet’ suspect’s flashy cars raised eyebrows in Thailand – ABC News
The neighbors had their suspicions.The young Canadian accused of masterminding the world's leading "darknet" internet marketplace lived a seemingly quiet life for more than a year with his Thai girlfriend in a middle-class neighborhood on the outskirts of Bangkok.But...
Senast något i den här omfattningen hände var Stig Bergling-affären | SVT Nyheter
Transportstyrelsen hör till de myndigheter som Säpo har utsett för att särskilt kunna hantera hemlig information. Detta gör att IT-skandalen på myndigheten är särskilt allvarlig, enligt säkerhetsskyddschef Patrik Fältström vid Netnod, en svensk organisation som...
Donald Trump insists he has ’complete power’ to pardon – BBC News
US President Donald Trump has insisted he has the "complete power" to pardon people, amid reports he is considering presidential pardons for family members, aides and even himself.A Democratic Party spokesman has called the reports "extremely disturbing".The US...