Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer

Google döper om Mexikanska Golfen – men bara för amerikanska användare

Lästipset: Elon Musk är redan förbrukad

Lästipset: Därför ska du inte handla på Temu och Schein
Personuppgifter läckte från outsourcad myndighetsdata redan 2012 | SVT Nyheter
Redan för fem år sedan läckte känsliga personuppgifter ut på nätet efter att svenska myndigheter hade outsourcat sin datalagring utan att ställa tillräckliga krav på säkerhet. Om vi hade tagit den här diskussionen redan då hade vi inte behövt ta den nu, säger...
It is easy to expose users’ secret web habits, say researchers – BBC News
Two German researchers say they have exposed the porn-browsing habits of a judge, a cyber-crime investigation and the drug preferences of a politician.The pair obtained huge amounts of information about the browsing habits of three million German citizens from...
Judge gives greenlight to class action suit claiming Apple ’broke’ FaceTime
Judge Lucy Koh turned down the motion in a late Friday ruling, according to Reuters, specfically rejecting an Apple argument that the plaintiffs in the case had suffered no financial loss since FaceTime is a free service. "FaceTime is a 'feature' of the iPhone and...
’No more brilliant jerks’ Arianna Huffington ushers in the new Uber | Technology | The Guardian
The next Uber CEO will be charged with sweeping up multitudes of corporate sins. In their in-tray will be a daunting array of problems and issues to resolve in the wake of Travis Kalanicks high-profile departure last month.These include rehabilitating the company...
Hackers leak HBO episodes, ’Game of Thrones’ info online
Netflix isn't the only video service suffering form a hack: HBO has been breached as well. Hackers have gotten their mitts on 1.5 terabytes of data according to Entertainment Weekly, whoch apparently includes an episode of Ballers and Room 104 in addition to what may...
Facebook ’dark ads’ can swing political opinions, research shows | Technology | The Guardian
Using psychographic profiles of individual voters generated from publicly stated interests really does work, according to new research presented at the Def Con hacking conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.The controversial practice allows groups to hone their messages to...
Apple ’pulls 60 VPNs from China App Store’ – BBC News
The creators of several Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have criticised Apple's decision to remove their products from its App Store in China.The BBC understands that as many as 60 VPNs were pulled over the weekend.Apple said it was legally required to remove them...
Apple Store app for iPhone & iPad updates with Touch ID for Apple ID
People can now use Touch ID to authenticate their Apple ID, whether changing account settings or making a payment using a card linked to that account. Normally Touch ID is used to make purchases via Apple Pay, and in fact shoppers have to tap "buy with other payment...
Robot cracks open safe live on Def Con’s stage – BBC News
Using a cheap robot, a team of hackers has cracked open a leading-brand combination safe, live on stage in Las Vegas.The team from SparkFun Electronics was able to open a SentrySafe safe in around 30 minutes.The robot is able to reduce the number of possible...
How the Broadpwn Wi-Fi Vulnerability Impacted a Billion iPhones and Android Phones | WIRED
IF YOU HAVEN'T updated your iPhone or Android device lately, do it now. Until very recent patches, a bug in a little-examined Wi-Fi chip would have allowed a hacker to invisibly hack into any one of a billion devices. Yes, billion with a b.A vulnerability that...
Kasparov: ’Embrace’ the AI revolution – BBC News
Humans should embrace the change smart machines offer society, says former chess world champion Garry Kasparov.In a speech at Def Con in Las Vegas he said the rise of artificially intelligent machines would not be a huge threat to humanity.However, he said, there was...
MacPaw acquires The Unarchiver and commits to… | MacPaw Blog
MacPaw just bought the Unarchiver, one of the Top Free apps on the Mac App Store. Were super stoked about the news. We promise to maintain, improve, and keep it free for everyone.Now let us tell you the whole story. This week we did something big: we took it upon...