TV-Tipset: Gynning och Berg utforskar det här med sex

Elon Musks Starlink håller folk förslavade i bedrägeribolag

Lästipset: Hon önskar att hennes jobb inte skulle finnas eller behövas

Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer
Instagram inför reklampolicy | SVT Nyheter
Svenska Instagramprofiler har i dagarna informerats om företagets nya reklammärkning. Den nya märkningen ska visa när ett inlägg är sponsrat och av vem.Reklam på sociala medier har länge varit en gråzon och ett flertal profiler har fällts för smygreklam. Nu kommer en...
SVT avslöjar: Maria Ågren skickade över 300 mejl till privata kontot efter att hon fått gå | SVT Nyheter
Efter att Maria Ågren fick gå från Transportstyrelsen vidarebefordrade hon e-post från sin myndighetsadress till sitt privata e-postkonto. Det kan SVT Nyheter avslöja. Flera experter säger att det kan vara olagligt.Transportstyrelsens tidigare generaldirektör Maria...
Facebookade i bilen åtalas för vårdslöshet | SVT Nyheter
En kvinna från Nordvästra Skåne misstänks ha ägnat så mycket tid åt mobilen att hon krockade med en stenrefug. Nu åtalas hon för vårdslöshet i trafik.Händelsen ägde rum på Malmöleden i Helsingborg i augusti. Enligt åtalet ska kvinnan både skickat sms och chattat på...
’Top secret’ military personnel files exposed by unsecured Amazon server
A SECURITY COMPANY HAS FOUND an Amazon server that was stuffed with thousands of pieces of personal information about military types with little or no protection on it.The security company is called UpGuard, and it says that it found the collection of resumes and...
South Korean court rejects Qualcomm’s request to suspend antitrust body’s order
SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean court on Monday rejected Qualcomm Incs (QCOM.O) request to suspend an order by the countrys antitrust agency to take corrective action on the way it licenses patents.In December, the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) fined Qualcomm...
Jailed YouTuber: ’Not proud’ of prank – BBC News
A YouTuber jailed for his part in a prank on the public says he is "sorry if he frightened people".Daniel Jarvis, 27, is a member of the Trollstation YouTube channel, whoch has about a million subscribers.In 2016, he and three others were jailed for a total of 72...
Microsoft tells some Mac Office users to pass on Apple’s High Sierra | Computerworld
Microsoft has warned users of Office for Mac 2011 not to upgrade to Apple's macOS High Sierra when the new operating system launches next month."Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Lync have not been tested on macOS 10.13 High Sierra, and no formal support for this...
Hacker hijacks police radio broadcast until cops call off car chase of armed robbers | CSO Online
While the man and woman allegedly responsible for an attempted armed robbery in Australia are no Bonnie and Clyde, they had something the infamous outlaw couple didnt a little help from a hacker.An unknown hacker was credited with hijacking the Victoria Police...
’IS tried to recruit me for London attacks – BBC News
A BBC investigation has unearthed evidence that Islamic State (IS) agents were trying to recruit people in 2016 for an attack on central London.In online messages sent to a BBC Inside Out reporter, an IS recruiter suggested attacks on two locations whoch were both...
The danger of the white American liberal | Racism | Al Jazeera
The boys' voices were getting louder. The argument over who had the best design for a sampling probe had devolved into an argument about who's idea was "just really stupid".I sat in the science class, surrounded by Lego at a table designed for eighth graders,...
Apple’s ’iPhone 8’ may allow triggering Siri by holding sleep/wake button
To get around the absence of a physical home button, the "iPhone 8" may let people trigger Siri by holding down the sleep/wake button when they're not using "Hey Siri."The option was allegedly uncovered in source code by Brazilian iOS developer Guilherme Rambo. He...
Apple’s fitness lab has collected 66,000 hours of exercise data
Men's Health writer Ben Court got to take a look around Apple's not-so-secret-anymore exercise lab and the company's director of fitness for health technologies had some bold claims about the work the lab has done. Apple's Jay Blahnik told Court, "Our lab has...