TV-Tipset: Gynning och Berg utforskar det här med sex

Elon Musks Starlink håller folk förslavade i bedrägeribolag

Lästipset: Hon önskar att hennes jobb inte skulle finnas eller behövas

Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer
Transportstyrelsens IT-nota har ökat med 190 miljoner efter skandalen | SVT Nyheter
Transportstyrelsen tvingas betala 190 miljoner kronor extra för IBM:s IT-drift nu när man uppfyller säkerhetskraven och använder IT-tekniker i Sverige i stället för i utlandet.Det var för att spara pengar som Transportstyrelsen fattade beslut om att lägga ut...
Equifax had ’admin’ as login and password in Argentina – BBC News
The credit report provider Equifax has been accused of a fresh data security breach, this time affecting its Argentine operations.Cyber-crime blogger Brian Krebs said that an online employee tool used in the country could be accessed by typing "admin" as both a login...
Tv-bråket löst: Avtal klart mellan Com Hem och Discovery | SVT Nyheter
Det omtalade tv-bråket är över: Com Hem och Discovery är överens och flera tittare får nu åter tillgång till bland annat Kanal 5 och Eurosport.Tvisten mellan Com Hem och Discovery är över. Under onsdagen tecknades ett avtal och Com Hem och Boxer får därmed återigen...
Liga misstänks ligga bakom tusentals dataintrång kan vara största it-härvan någonsin | SVT Nyheter
En av de största dataintrångshärvorna i Sverige någonsin rullas nu upp, kan SVT Nyheter avslöja. Åtta personer åtalas på måndag i Malmö misstänkta för tusentals dataintrång mot företag, myndigheter och enligt vad SVT erfar, även mot ett politiskt parti.Totalt ska...
Photographer settles ’monkey selfie’ legal fight – BBC News
A photographer has settled a two-year legal fight against an animal rights group over a "monkey selfie" picture.Naruto the macaque monkey took the image in the Indonesian jungle in 2011 when it picked up a camera owned by David Slater from Monmouthshire.US judges had...
Tesla flips a switch to increase the range of some cars in Florida to help people evacuate | TechCrunch
Tesla has pushed an over-the-air update to some of its vehicles in Florida that lets those cars go just a liiiittle bit farther, thus helping their owners get that much farther away from the devastation of Hurricane Irma.Wondering how thats even possible?Up until a...
Unless you patch or your Android runs Oreo, you might OK your own pwnage | CSO Online
Researchers revealed a new high-severity vulnerability affecting the Google Android platform whoch could result in users actually agreeing for their Androids to be pwned.While no one in their right mind would do that on purpose, they might do it on accident since it...
The Biggest iPhone Leak Yet Wont Bruise Apple | WIRED
APPLE WILL ANNOUNCE its latest iPhone on Tuesday (technically three iPhones, including the new high-end iPhone X), but you can find out practically anything you want to know about it already. Thats thanks not to the usual rumor mill but to the leak of the golden...
iPhone X: everything we think we know about the new Apple smartphone | Technology | The Guardian
The iPhone X is expected to be announced on Tuesday but the companys usual code of secrecy has broken down, meaning we already know a lot about the device. With its junking of the home button it represents the biggest change to the design of Apples pivotal...
From handsets to Hollywood: Apple joins the dash for content | Technology | The Guardian
Apple has Amazon, Netflix and the Hollywood studios in its sights. That is clear after a frenetic summer hiring big TV chiefs, scouting out space in a famous Hollywood studio and considering spending up to $5bn (£3.8bn) on the rights to distribute James Bond...
Youtube-stjärnan Pewdiepie i ny rasistskandal | SVT Nyheter
En av världens bäst betalda Youtube-profiler Pewdipie har ännu en gång hamnat i blåsväder. I en video där han spelar datorspel uttrycker Felix Kjellberg sig på ett sätt som kan uppfattas som rasistiskt.Det var under söndagen som Youtube-stjärnan Felix Kjellberg, känd...
EU countries aim to raise tech firms’ taxes by targeting revenue
It's no secret that European countries want major tech firms to pay more taxes, but how will they go about that beyond collecting back taxes? By taxing the companies where they'll feel it the most, that's how. The finance ministers of France, Germany, Italy and Spain...