TV-Tipset: Gynning och Berg utforskar det här med sex

Elon Musks Starlink håller folk förslavade i bedrägeribolag

Lästipset: Hon önskar att hennes jobb inte skulle finnas eller behövas

Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer
Augmented reality: Apple and Google’s next battleground | Technology | The Guardian
This year the next big battleground between the titans of the smartphone industry will be augmented reality, as both Apple and Google duke it out with new phones, cameras and systems designed to provide Terminator vision or Pokémon Go on steroids to the...
Apple’s iPhone economy | Apple | Al Jazeera
Over the past decade, the iPhone has transformed Apple into the world's most profitable and biggest technology company.A host of app developers, chip makers and other industries depend on the Apple economy for survival and business owners, too, want to be able to work...
Equifax two top technology executives leave company ’effective immediately’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Equifax said on Friday that it made changes in its top management as part of its review of a massive data breach, with two technology and security executives leaving the company effective immediately.The credit-monitoring company announced the...
Surfa sunt i höstmörkret rädda sömnen | SVT Nyheter
Hösten innebär färre ljustimmar, en växande känsla av trötthet och mer kvällssurfande för många. Men med ett sunt förhållningssätt kan du fortsätta surfa och samtidigt upprätthålla en god sömnrutin.Datorskärmar, mobiltelefoner och paddor har kommit att bli naturliga...
Social media stars face crackdown over money from brands | Technology | The Guardian
Consumer protection bodies in the UK and US are increasing their crackdown on Instagram influencers, in an attempt to rein in the big business being done covertly on social media.Instagrams popularity with young people, and women in particular in April it...
How Facial Recognition Systems Will Reshape Your Daily Life | NBC News
Facial recognition technology is coming of age. The new iPhone can be unlocked simply by looking at it, and accessing your smartphone is just one of many ways that facial recognition will change our daily lives. Soon well be using our faces to pay for groceries,...
A Brief History of Sex on the Internet | WIRED
IT WAS HARD to envision its enormity.At the Webs inception, few outside the tech world realized it would be seen as one of the signal events in computer science. Or that it would ignite an information revolution. Or that it would make it possible for an individual or...
Google sued over ’sex discrimination’ – BBC News
Three women who used to work at Google have filed a lawsuit against the technology giant, alleging it pays women less than men for comparable work.The suit says Google is aware of the situation, but has not moved to fix it.It comes as companies in Silicon Valley face...
Facebook to trim advert categories aimed at ’anti-Semites’ – BBC News
Facebook is reviewing its ad targeting system after investigators found they could direct ads to self-described anti-Semites.Researchers at ProPublica found several ad categories for people who had declared that they "hated" Jews.Facebook said its algorithms...
Mike Flynn’s Son Is Subject of Federal Russia Probe – NBC News
WASHINGTON Mochael G. Flynn, the son of President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, is a subject of the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election and possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign, according to...
Journalisten Dawit Isaak nominerad till Sacharovpriset | SVT Nyheter
Den svensk-eritreanske journalisten Dawit Isaak har nominerats till EU-parlamentets årliga människorättspris, Sacharovpriset. Dawit Isaak är journalist i ett land där tankefrihet inte har stort utrymme. Han har suttit fängslad mycket länge, utan rättegång sedan 2001,...
Airbnb betalar ingen skatt i Sverige trots rekordvinster | SVT Nyheter
Enligt nya siffror som SVT Nyheter fått av Airbnb fanns i juli i år 20.000 lägenhetsannonser på bolagets svenska sajt. Omsättningen har fördubblats gång på gång och koncernen blir allt mer lönsam. Samtidigt visar SVT:s granskning att bolaget de senaste åren varken...