Elon Musks Starlink håller folk förslavade i bedrägeribolag

Lästipset: Hon önskar att hennes jobb inte skulle finnas eller behövas

Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer

Google döper om Mexikanska Golfen – men bara för amerikanska användare
iOS 11 will change the way you use your iPad [Review] | Cult of Mac
IOS 11 is a huge update to Apples mobile operating system, but only if youre using an iPad. While the iPhone gets its fair share of tweaks and polish, the iPad is transformed into a different machine. When you install iOS 11, your iPad will be transformed from a big...
iOS 11 review: Smarter, better, faster, bolder | iMore
Drag and Drop. Files.app. Enhanced intelligence and learning. Peer-to-peer Apple Pay. A new App Store design. Augmented Reality. Machine Learning. And more. This year Apple takes iOS to 11 but how well does it get there?Ten years ago, Apple shocked the world and...
How to prepare your iPhone or iPad for iOS 11 | iMore
iOS 11 launches to the public tomorrow! Make sure your iPhone and iPad are ready to download the new iOS!Apple's newest operating system, iOS 11, goes live to the public tomorrow and is bringing a whole bunch of exciting updates to both iPhone and iPad.Whether you...
Apple begins rollout of TV app in Australia, Canada ahead of iOS 11 & tvOS 11 debut
As promised during last week's iPhone event, Apple is expanding availability of the TV app to seven countries Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway and the UK by the end of 2017. Apple TV owners running the latest tvOS software in Australia and Canada...
Visitors ’help’ Pirate Bay mine virtual cash – BBC News
The Pirate Bay briefly put code on some of its web pages that used visitors' machines to mine a virtual currency.The hidden code helped the file-sharing site generate coins for the Monero digital currency.The Pirate Bay's administrators said using the code had been an...
On React and WordPress | Matt Mullenweg
Big companies like to bury unpleasant news on Fridays: A few weeks ago, Facebook announced they have decided to dig in on their patent clause addition to the React license, even after Apache had said its no longer allowed for Apache.org projects. In their words,...
Företag och landsting drabbade i bedrägerihärvan | SVT Nyheter
Den 38-årige huvudmannen i den så kallade hackerligan ska bland annat genom att ha använt en landstingsanställds e-postadress försökt beställa surfplattor till ett värde av en halv miljon kronor.Det var i juni som den 38-årige huvudmisstänkte ska ha gjort en...
Partiet bekräftar för SVT: Sverigedemokraterna drabbade i dataintrångshärvan | SVT Nyheter
I dag åtalas åtta personer i en av de största dataintrångshärvorna i svensk rättshistoria. Nu bekräftar Sverigedemokraterna för SVT Nyheter att partiet finns bland de tusentals drabbade tillsammans med hundratals företag, fler än tio banker samt ett flertal...
Hackerligan åtalas för enorm dataintrångshärva | SVT Nyheter
En hackerliga på åtta personer har i dag åtalats i en av de största dataintrångshärvor i svensk historia. SVT Nyheter erfar att hundratals miljoner har stulits från hundratals företag, myndigheter och kommuner.SVT Nyheter kunde i förra veckan avslöja hur mellan...
The A.I. Gaydar Study and the Real Dangers of Big Data | The New Yorker
Every face does not tell a story; it tells thousands of them. Over evolutionary time, the human brain has become an exceptional reader of the human facecomputerlike, we like to think. A viewer instinctively knows the difference between a real smile and a fake one. In...
The Nightmare Faces of Apple Engineering and Cindy Shermans Instagram | The New Yorker
On Tuesday, in Cupertino, California, Apple announced its newest generation of smartphones and watches. The elements of this early-autumn product pageantguys in dark shirts, a wide-lipped stage, a bright, disclosing screencombine to form a kind of annual civic...
Augmented reality: Apple and Google’s next battleground | Technology | The Guardian
This year the next big battleground between the titans of the smartphone industry will be augmented reality, as both Apple and Google duke it out with new phones, cameras and systems designed to provide Terminator vision or Pokémon Go on steroids to the...