Facebook can’t hide behind algorithms – BBC News

Facebook can’t hide behind algorithms – BBC News

If Facebook’s algorithms were executives, the public would be demanding their heads on a stick, such was the ugly incompetence on display this week.First, the company admitted a “fail” when its advertising algorithm allowed for the targeting of anti-Semitic users.Then...

Around the world, a muted launch for Apple’s iPhone 8

Around the world, a muted launch for Apple’s iPhone 8

SAN FRANCISCO/SYDNEY/TOKYO (Reuters) - Apple Inc’s (AAPL.O) launch of the iPhone 8 kicked off with less fanfare on Friday than new models in previous years in the United States, Asia, Australia and Britain, as fans held out for the premium iPhone X, due out in early...

’Unfit’ Uber stripped of London license

’Unfit’ Uber stripped of London license

LONDON (Reuters) - London deemed Uber unfit to run a taxi service on Friday and stripped it of its license to operate from the end of next week in a major blow to the U.S. firm and 3.5 million users in one of the world’s wealthiest cities.The capital’s transport...

Twitter and Facebook are no longer integrated in iOS 11 | iMore

Twitter and Facebook are no longer integrated in iOS 11 | iMore

Previous versions of Apple's iPhone and iPad operating system integrated single sign-on Facebook and Twitter into the system. In iOS 11, they're back to being extensions.With the iOS 11 update on iPhone and iPad, social network services, like Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo,...

Hackers used Avast’s CCleaner breach to attack technology companies

Hackers used Avast’s CCleaner breach to attack technology companies

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The hackers who broke into widely used computer utility software in August also tried to infect machines at Microsoft, Intel and other top technology companies, according to research by Cisco Systems released late on Wednesday.That suggests...

Viacom blunder left media orgs ’exposed’ – BBC News

Viacom blunder left media orgs ’exposed’ – BBC News

Viacom exposed important credentials that could have allowed hackers to wreak havoc on major media organisations, a cyber security firm has said.California-based UpGuard said it discovered unsecured information that hackers could have used to access cloud servers...

Apple’s iOS 11 kills old 32-bit iPhone and iPad apps – BBC News

Apple’s iOS 11 kills old 32-bit iPhone and iPad apps – BBC News

Owners of iPhones and iPads who install the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system will find that some older apps will stop working.The move will generally affect apps that have not been updated in the past two years.Although many will have been abandoned...

iOS 11 will change the way you use your iPad [Review] | Cult of Mac

iOS 11 will change the way you use your iPad [Review] | Cult of Mac

IOS 11 is a huge update to Apple’s mobile operating system, but only if you’re using an iPad. While the iPhone gets its fair share of tweaks and polish, the iPad is transformed into a different machine. When you install iOS 11, your iPad will be transformed from a big...

iOS 11 review: Smarter, better, faster, bolder | iMore

iOS 11 review: Smarter, better, faster, bolder | iMore

Drag and Drop. Files.app. Enhanced intelligence and learning. Peer-to-peer Apple Pay. A new App Store design. Augmented Reality. Machine Learning. And more. This year Apple takes iOS to 11 — but how well does it get there?Ten years ago, Apple shocked the world and...

Vi bygger din nya hemsida - till fast pris!

Hemsidor, appar, butiker på nätet kan bli en obehaglig överraskning när allt ska betalas. Därför har vi fasta priser - på allt - och du får veta exakt vad det kommer att kosta innan vi börjar att bygga.

Vill du synas på nätet?

Det är många termer och namn när det handlar om nätet men egentligen är det inte så svårt eller komplicerat. Kontakta oss så ska vi berätta hur du slipper alla problem med en leverantör som sköter allt.

När vi säger att vi tar hand om allt så menar vi det!

När vi bygger din nya hemsida, din nya butik, dina nya app eller din skräddarsydda lösning så tar vi han om allt. Vi bygger, utvecklar och sen ser vi till att det fungerar och att du syns på nätet - och du är naturligtvis med på hela resan. Jo, en sak till - vi ser till att alla dina plugins ich tillägg är uppdaterade också, för säkerhets skull.

Uppdateringar, nya texter, nya bilder - en ny video?

Nya bilder för din hemsida, en ny video, ny design, nytt utseende och kanske en ny logga? Vi tar hand om allt och ser till att du får det du vill ha, på utsatt tid och till fast pris.

Vi bygger din nya hemsida - till fast pris!

Hemsidor, appar, butiker på nätet kan bli en obehaglig överraskning när allt ska betalas. Därför har vi fasta priser - på allt - och du får veta exakt vad det kommer att kosta innan vi börjar att bygga.

Vill du synas på nätet?

Det är många termer och namn när det handlar om nätet men egentligen är det inte så svårt eller komplicerat. Kontakta oss så ska vi berätta hur du slipper alla problem med en leverantör som sköter allt.

När vi säger att vi tar hand om allt så menar vi det!

När vi bygger din nya hemsida, din nya butik, dina nya app eller din skräddarsydda lösning så tar vi han om allt. Vi bygger, utvecklar och sen ser vi till att det fungerar och att du syns på nätet - och du är naturligtvis med på hela resan. Jo, en sak till - vi ser till att alla dina plugins ich tillägg är uppdaterade också, för säkerhets skull.

Uppdateringar, nya texter, nya bilder - en ny video?

Nya bilder för din hemsida, en ny video, ny design, nytt utseende och kanske en ny logga? Vi tar hand om allt och ser till att du får det du vill ha, på utsatt tid och till fast pris.

Hackers used Avast’s CCleaner breach to attack technology companies

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The hackers who broke into widely used computer utility software in August also tried to infect machines at Microsoft, Intel and other top technology companies, according to research by Cisco Systems released late on Wednesday.That suggests the breach, disclosed on...

Viacom blunder left media orgs ’exposed’ – BBC News

Viacom exposed important credentials that could have allowed hackers to wreak havoc on major media organisations, a cyber security firm has said.California-based UpGuard said it discovered unsecured information that hackers could have used to access cloud servers belonging to firms like MTV,...

Apple’s iOS 11 kills old 32-bit iPhone and iPad apps – BBC News

Owners of iPhones and iPads who install the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system will find that some older apps will stop working.The move will generally affect apps that have not been updated in the past two years.Although many will have been abandoned by their developers, owners...

iOS 11 will change the way you use your iPad [Review] | Cult of Mac

IOS 11 is a huge update to Apple’s mobile operating system, but only if you’re using an iPad. While the iPhone gets its fair share of tweaks and polish, the iPad is transformed into a different machine. When you install iOS 11, your iPad will be transformed from a big iPhone, into a slick mobile...

iOS 11 review: Smarter, better, faster, bolder | iMore

Drag and Drop. Files.app. Enhanced intelligence and learning. Peer-to-peer Apple Pay. A new App Store design. Augmented Reality. Machine Learning. And more. This year Apple takes iOS to 11 — but how well does it get there?Ten years ago, Apple shocked the world and shook up the industry by...

How to prepare your iPhone or iPad for iOS 11 | iMore

iOS 11 launches to the public tomorrow! Make sure your iPhone and iPad are ready to download the new iOS!Apple's newest operating system, iOS 11, goes live to the public tomorrow and is bringing a whole bunch of exciting updates to both iPhone and iPad.Whether you have been downloading the beta...

Visitors ’help’ Pirate Bay mine virtual cash – BBC News

The Pirate Bay briefly put code on some of its web pages that used visitors' machines to mine a virtual currency.The hidden code helped the file-sharing site generate coins for the Monero digital currency.The Pirate Bay's administrators said using the code had been an experiment to see whether it...

On React and WordPress | Matt Mullenweg

Big companies like to bury unpleasant news on Fridays: A few weeks ago, Facebook announced they have decided to dig in on their patent clause addition to the React license, even after Apache had said it’s no longer allowed for Apache.org projects. In their words, removing the patent clause would...

Företag och landsting drabbade i bedrägerihärvan | SVT Nyheter

Den 38-årige huvudmannen i den så kallade hackerligan ska bland annat genom att ha använt en landstingsanställds e-postadress försökt beställa surfplattor till ett värde av en halv miljon kronor.Det var i juni som den 38-årige huvudmisstänkte ska ha gjort en beställning på 51 surfplattor i en...