Elon Musks Starlink håller folk förslavade i bedrägeribolag

Lästipset: Hon önskar att hennes jobb inte skulle finnas eller behövas

Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer

Google döper om Mexikanska Golfen – men bara för amerikanska användare
Twitter updates tvOS app with new iOS integration to easily tweet while watching Apple TV | 9to5Mac
In the latest version of Twitter for tvOS, the social media service has brought a new feature that allows you to pair your iOS device with your Apple TV as an easy way to tweet while watching specific shows and games.In a tweet today, Twitter announced the newest tvOS...
Google disables Home Mini’s top button so it won’t record everything
Google hasn't even started shipping the Home Mini yet, but its launch has been marred by an unusual situation where some of the devices would record and upload practically any sound. As a result, Google says it's taking the step of disabling all top touch...
Efter förslag om ny datalagring polisen kritisk – Nyheter (Ekot) | Sveriges Radio
Regeringens utredare föreslår en mer begränsad modell för datalagring än tidigare.Advokatsamfundet är nöjt, men polisen anser att begränsningarna blir för omfattande. Vi kommer att förlora ett väldigt viktigt vapen, säger polisens IT-brottsexpert Anders...
Twitter now supports Apples new emoji, but only iOS 11.1 beta 2 users can see them | 9to5Mac
iOS 11.1 beta 2, released yesterday, includes hundreds of new emoji characters, and Twitter hasnt wasted any time in supporting them Anyone on the latest beta can now include the new emoji characters in their tweets, but its worth bearing in mind that most people...
Were spending 44% more time in shopping apps, with digital-first retailers the winners | 9to5Mac
We learned earlier this year that the average smartphone user spends 2h 15m a day using apps, and new data suggests that more of this time than ever is spent using shopping apps.App Annie data shows that time spent in digital-first retailer apps like Amazon increased...
Fake Adblock Plus extension takes the shine off Chromes reputation for security | TechRadar
In a clear lesson about the potential dangers involved with browser add-ons, a fake copy of a popular ad-blocking Chrome extension has tricked an estimated 37,000 users of the browser into downloading it.The phony Adblock Plus extension used the exact same name as the...
Apple announces Q4 2017 earnings release for November 2 | 9to5Mac
Apple today has scheduled its Q4 2017 earnings call as noted on its Investor Relations webpage. Apple will release its Q4 earnings on November 2nd with a call following shortly thereafter at 2PM PT/5PM ET.Apple reported revenue of $45.5 billion last quarter on sales...
Låste upp telefon med medvetslös kvinnas finger | SVT Nyheter
När den 56-åriga kvinnan låg medvetslös på sjukhuset i Örnsköldsvik tog en närstående kvinna hennes finger och använde det för att låsa upp hennes telefon.Den 56-åriga kvinnan fick i efterhand, av sjukhuspersonalen, veta vad som hänt. Hon har även fått meddelanden...
Slow iPhone? Don’t Blame Apple. Blame Your Apps | WIRED
EACH YEAR, FALL ushers in a few certainties. Leaves change color and fall gently to the ground. Pumpkin spice flavors turn up in unlikely foodstuffs. And iPhone owners feel pretty sure that Apple has intentionally slowed down their smartphone, in a dastardly attempt...
Sweden Supreme Court: Don’t Presume Prison Sentences For Pirates – TorrentFreak
In the wake of a case involving the administrator of a now-defunct private torrent tracker, Sweden's Supreme Court has handed down an important ruling. Following requests from prosecutors seeking jail sentences for copyright infringement, the Court has ruled that the...
Regeringskansliets IT-support drabbad i hackerhärvan | SVT Nyheter
Regeringskansliets IT-support drabbad i hackerhärvanTvå företag som anlitats för underhåll av regeringskansliets nätverk ingår i den stora dataintrånghärva som rullats upp i Malmö. Det kan SVT avslöja i dag. Bolagen har hanterat information som tidigare bedömts som...
18-åring åtalas för hackerattacker mot storbanker | SVT Nyheter
En 18-årig man från Växjö åtalas i dag för it-attacker som genomfördes mot svenska banker 2015. Avgörande bevisning som samlades in under sommaren gjorde att åklagaren nu efter två års tid kan väcka åtal. Tidigare hackerattacker har riktat sig mot hemsidor men det...