Android co-creator’s startup sued over connector technology

Android co-creator’s startup sued over connector technology

(Reuters) - Two of the best-known names in the smartphone hardware business are squaring off in court over new technology that allows phones to connect to devices like cameras without wires or metal connectors.Privately owned Keyssa Inc, backed by iPod co-creator Tony...

iPhone X will drive a worldwide spike in smartphone sales | Cult of Mac

iPhone X will drive a worldwide spike in smartphone sales | Cult of Mac

The expected success of the iPhone X could help drive worldwide device shipments — comprising smartphones, tablets, and PCs — to their highest level of growth since 2015, a new report claims.Figures released by data analysis firm Gartner suggests that total device...

Han Solo standalone Star Wars movie gets a name: ’Solo’ – CNET

Han Solo standalone Star Wars movie gets a name: ’Solo’ – CNET

Ron Howard has been sharing photos from the Star Wars standalone Han Solo movie ever since he took over the director's chair in June. But the one tidbit he didn't share? The film's title.Until now. On Tuesday, Howard tweeted out a short video revealing the film's...

Åtalas för kommentar på SD:s Facebooksida | SVT Nyheter

Åtalas för kommentar på SD:s Facebooksida | SVT Nyheter

En kvinna i 70-årsåldern från Borås kommenterade ett inlägg på Sverigedemokraternas Facebooksida. Nu åtalas hon för hets mot folkgrupp. Och trots att kommentaren skrevs i mitten av förra året, ligger den fortfarande kvar på partiets sida.I början av juni förra året...

Android co-creator’s startup sued over connector technology

Android co-creator’s startup sued over connector technology

(Reuters) - Two of the best-known names in the smartphone hardware business are squaring off in court over new technology that allows phones to connect to devices like cameras without wires or metal connectors.Privately owned Keyssa Inc, backed by iPod co-creator Tony...

List of Firmware & Driver Updates for KRACK WPA2 Vulnerability

List of Firmware & Driver Updates for KRACK WPA2 Vulnerability

As many people have read or will soon read, there is a vulnerability in the WPA2 wireless protocol called Krack that could allow attackers to eavesdrop on wireless connections and inject data into the wireless stream in order to install malware or modify web pages.To...

Dutch privacy regulator says Windows 10 breaks the law | Ars Technica

Dutch privacy regulator says Windows 10 breaks the law | Ars Technica

The lack of clear information about what Microsoft does with the data that Windows 10 collects prevents consumers from giving their informed consent, says the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA). As such, the regulator says that the operating system is breaking the...

Apple is working on a fix for GarageBand in iOS 11 | iMore

Apple is working on a fix for GarageBand in iOS 11 | iMore

If you've been having trouble launching music creation app GarageBand after updating to iOS 11, you aren't alone. Thankfully, Apple is aware of the issue.Many GarageBand users have noticed that after installing iOS 11, they've been unable to launch the app without it...

How Apple’s iPhone X TrueDepth AR waltzed ahead of Google’s Tango

How Apple’s iPhone X TrueDepth AR waltzed ahead of Google’s Tango

Apple's iOS 11 brings Augmented Reality to a huge installed base of over 350 million iOS devices with powerful A9, A10 Fusion or A11 Bionic chips. However, another form of AR is about to be introduced, exclusive to the company's new iPhone X. Here's a deeper look at...

Apple Watch saves man from pulmonary embolism | Cult of Mac

Apple Watch saves man from pulmonary embolism | Cult of Mac

Wearing an Apple Watch has become the difference between life and death for a New York man who never expected that buying one could save his life.James Green, a 28-year-old from Brooklyn, describes himself as a serial data tracker. When he bought the original Apple...

Vi bygger din nya hemsida - till fast pris!

Hemsidor, appar, butiker på nätet kan bli en obehaglig överraskning när allt ska betalas. Därför har vi fasta priser - på allt - och du får veta exakt vad det kommer att kosta innan vi börjar att bygga.

Vill du synas på nätet?

Det är många termer och namn när det handlar om nätet men egentligen är det inte så svårt eller komplicerat. Kontakta oss så ska vi berätta hur du slipper alla problem med en leverantör som sköter allt.

När vi säger att vi tar hand om allt så menar vi det!

När vi bygger din nya hemsida, din nya butik, dina nya app eller din skräddarsydda lösning så tar vi han om allt. Vi bygger, utvecklar och sen ser vi till att det fungerar och att du syns på nätet - och du är naturligtvis med på hela resan. Jo, en sak till - vi ser till att alla dina plugins ich tillägg är uppdaterade också, för säkerhets skull.

Uppdateringar, nya texter, nya bilder - en ny video?

Nya bilder för din hemsida, en ny video, ny design, nytt utseende och kanske en ny logga? Vi tar hand om allt och ser till att du får det du vill ha, på utsatt tid och till fast pris.

Vi bygger din nya hemsida - till fast pris!

Hemsidor, appar, butiker på nätet kan bli en obehaglig överraskning när allt ska betalas. Därför har vi fasta priser - på allt - och du får veta exakt vad det kommer att kosta innan vi börjar att bygga.

Vill du synas på nätet?

Det är många termer och namn när det handlar om nätet men egentligen är det inte så svårt eller komplicerat. Kontakta oss så ska vi berätta hur du slipper alla problem med en leverantör som sköter allt.

När vi säger att vi tar hand om allt så menar vi det!

När vi bygger din nya hemsida, din nya butik, dina nya app eller din skräddarsydda lösning så tar vi han om allt. Vi bygger, utvecklar och sen ser vi till att det fungerar och att du syns på nätet - och du är naturligtvis med på hela resan. Jo, en sak till - vi ser till att alla dina plugins ich tillägg är uppdaterade också, för säkerhets skull.

Uppdateringar, nya texter, nya bilder - en ny video?

Nya bilder för din hemsida, en ny video, ny design, nytt utseende och kanske en ny logga? Vi tar hand om allt och ser till att du får det du vill ha, på utsatt tid och till fast pris.

List of Firmware & Driver Updates for KRACK WPA2 Vulnerability

As many people have read or will soon read, there is a vulnerability in the WPA2 wireless protocol called Krack that could allow attackers to eavesdrop on wireless connections and inject data into the wireless stream in order to install malware or modify web pages.To protect yourself, many WiFi...

Dutch privacy regulator says Windows 10 breaks the law | Ars Technica

The lack of clear information about what Microsoft does with the data that Windows 10 collects prevents consumers from giving their informed consent, says the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA). As such, the regulator says that the operating system is breaking the law.To comply with the law,...

ARKit games are the top AR downloads in the Apple App Store | GamesBeat

It’s been a few weeks since iOS 11 rolled out to compatible iPhones, and hundreds of apps now utilize the augmented reality capabilities of ARKit. Though some apps only have AR features as an add-on, there have been a steady stream of releases that are ARKit exclusives. In that category, games are...

Apple is working on a fix for GarageBand in iOS 11 | iMore

If you've been having trouble launching music creation app GarageBand after updating to iOS 11, you aren't alone. Thankfully, Apple is aware of the issue.Many GarageBand users have noticed that after installing iOS 11, they've been unable to launch the app without it crashing immediately....

How Apple’s iPhone X TrueDepth AR waltzed ahead of Google’s Tango

Apple's iOS 11 brings Augmented Reality to a huge installed base of over 350 million iOS devices with powerful A9, A10 Fusion or A11 Bionic chips. However, another form of AR is about to be introduced, exclusive to the company's new iPhone X. Here's a deeper look at Apple's big AR surprise. ARKit...

Apple Watch saves man from pulmonary embolism | Cult of Mac

Wearing an Apple Watch has become the difference between life and death for a New York man who never expected that buying one could save his life.James Green, a 28-year-old from Brooklyn, describes himself as a serial data tracker. When he bought the original Apple Watch two years ago, he picked...

US voices frustration with ’warrant-proof’ encryption – BBC News

The US deputy attorney general says the use of "warrant-proof encryption" in popular apps and operating systems, is hampering law enforcement.Several apps encrypt communications end-to-end, whoch stop messages being legible if intercepted by criminals or law enforcement.In a speech, Rod Rosenstein...