Lästipset: Därför ska du inte handla på Temu och Schein
Lästipset: Temu har tagit över – dominerar handeln helt
Journalister gick bort sig helt i da Costa-fallet
Lästipset: Tekniken som faktiskt styr vår värld
Lästipset: Han blev bannad från X. Nu vill han hjälpa dig att fly också
Lästipset: Bluesky har nu 24 miljoner användare. Jay Graber lovar fortfarande att hålla det från att skitas ned
Trump’s Approval Rating Drops to Lowest Level Yet in New NBC News/WSJ Poll – NBC News
This is his worst showing of his young presidency so far, said Democratic pollster Fred Yang of Hart Research Associates, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff and his team at Public Opinion Strategies.The drop for Trump has come from...
SVT avslöjar: Unik läcka nätutpressare kopplas till Ryssland | SVT Nyheter
Anonyma hackare har de senaste åren skickat miljontals bluffmejl som sett ut att komma från Telia och Postnord. Den som klickat har fått sin dator låst och tvingats betala en lösensumma för att få filerna tillbaka. Genom en unik läcka har SVT tillgång till...
Mobiltelefoner stals till värde av en miljon kronor | SVT Nyheter
Gärningsmännen, åtminstone tre personer, är fortfarande på fri fot efter inbrottet mot en logistikcentral i Nykvarn förra helgen.Polisens tekniker har varit på plats för att säkra bevis efter inbrottet mot ett stort lager i Nykvarn tillhörande ett nationellt...
Misstänkt misshandel var datorspelande granne | SVT Nyheter
Under söndagseftermiddagen larmades polisen i Skellefteå till en lägenhet där grannarna trodde att någon blev misshandlad. Men det visade sig istället bara vara en man som var helt inne i sitt datorspelande. Han uppskattade inte att bli störd av lagens långa...
Apple reportedly delayed ’Carpool Karaoke’ due to foul language
When Apple delayed the release of 'Carpool Karaoke,' it wasn't very clear on why. According to a report at Bloomberg, though, the tech titan had to edit and shoot additional episodes because the ones that were ready had too much "foul language and references to...
The first motorcycle to use Apple CarPlay has been announced | Ars Technica
Apple CarPlay is moving beyond the car and into the motorcycle.Honda this week announced its new 2018 Gold Wing, the first bike to come equipped with Apples infotainment system. It will arrive next February and start at $23,500.FURTHER READINGOne week with Apples...
Twitter’s new hate and violence policies go into effect November 22nd
Just a couple of weeks ago, Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey responded to the #WomenBoycotTwitter movement on his company's microblogging platform with a promise to help Twitter "take a more aggressive stance" toward hate speech and sexual harassment. A few days after that,...
JK Rowling doesn’t exist: conspiracy theories the internet can’t resist | Technology | The Guardian
The much anticipated release of new files about the assassination of John F Kennedy have again thrown a spotlight on the conspiracy theories surrounding the US presidents death. And the internet loves nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Here is a selection of...
Get Ready for the ’Reaper’ Botnet: It’s Already Infected Over a Million Devices – NBC News
Just in time for Halloween, a growing hacked device botnet named "Reaper" could put the internet in the dark.Over a million internet-connected cameras and routers have already been infected, researchers with the Israeli-based firm Check Point says and the...
iPhone X: most expensive Apple smartphone sells out in minutes | Technology | The Guardian
Apples most expensive smartphone, the iPhone X, sold out in less than 10 minutes upon being made available for pre-order this morning.The iPhone X officially pronounced 10 costs from £999 with 64GB of storage, topping out at £1149 with 256GB of storage, whoch...
EU considers tax on digital firms’ global profits
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is asking its citizens to help decide on a fairer tax regime for large digital corporations that may include a tax on their global profits.Firms such as Amazon Google and Facebook have often been accused of paying too little tax...
Twitter bans ads from Russia Today and Sputnik over election interference | Technology | The Guardian
Twitter has announced that it will stop taking advertising from all accounts owned by Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik, effective immediately as US lawmakers continue to investigate the impact of foreign-sponsored fake news on the 2016 election.Twitter plans to make...