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As he investigates Trump’s aides, special counsel’s record shows surprising flaws

As he investigates Trump’s aides, special counsel’s record shows surprising flaws

  As Robert Mueller leads a sprawling investigation aimed at the White House, his prosecutorial discretion looms over the Trump presidency. Källa: As he investigates Trump's aides, special counsel's record shows surprising flaws

I’d love lock screen complications in iOS 12

I’d love lock screen complications in iOS 12

  One of the best things about Apple Watch is how the watch face makes so much data so immediately glanceable. That's thanks to the watchOS take on "complications", They're hyper-dense and provide immediate access to a wealth of information. I've become so...

Apple’s upcoming iMac Pro might have an iPhone chip

Apple’s upcoming iMac Pro might have an iPhone chip

The new iMac Pro set to release month will be Apple’s fastest Mac by a country mile. With 18 CPU cores, Radeon Vega graphics, and 128GB of RAM, there isn’t much Apple’s newest all-in-one won’t be able to do. But a recent discovery by Apple code spelunker Steven...

Opinion | We Can’t Trust Facebook to Regulate Itself

Opinion | We Can’t Trust Facebook to Regulate Itself

I led Facebook’s efforts to fix privacy problems on its developer platform in advance of its 2012 initial public offering. What I saw from the inside was a company that prioritized data collection from its users over protecting them from abuse. As the world...

Opinion | How Evil Is Tech?

Opinion | How Evil Is Tech?

Our devices consume our time and dilute our social interactions. Not long ago, tech was the coolest industry. Everybody wanted to work at Google, Facebook and Apple. But over the past year the mood has shifted. Some now believe tech is like the tobacco industry —...

iPhone X versus Android’s best: A surprisingly lopsided affair

iPhone X versus Android’s best: A surprisingly lopsided affair

The Galaxy Note 8 is an incredible phone. Back when I reviewed it for PCWorld I gave it the highest possible score and raved about its display, still the greatest I’ve seen in Android phone. The dual camera delivered impressive portraits and lush landscapes, and the...

How criminals clear your stolen iPhone for resale | ZDNet

How criminals clear your stolen iPhone for resale | ZDNet

Criminals have dedicated themselves to compromising iCloud accounts to wipe clean stolen devices using a set of interesting tools. Mobile devices, being valuable, expensive, and both thin and light enough for sticky fingers, are a constant target for thieves...

Germany bans children’s smartwatches

Germany bans children’s smartwatches

A German regulator has banned the sale of smartwatches aimed at children, describing them as spying devices. It had previously banned an internet-connected doll called, My Friend Cayla, for similar reasons. Telecoms regulator the Federal Network Agency urged parents...

Vi bygger din nya hemsida - till fast pris!

Hemsidor, appar, butiker på nätet kan bli en obehaglig överraskning när allt ska betalas. Därför har vi fasta priser - på allt - och du får veta exakt vad det kommer att kosta innan vi börjar att bygga.

Vill du synas på nätet?

Det är många termer och namn när det handlar om nätet men egentligen är det inte så svårt eller komplicerat. Kontakta oss så ska vi berätta hur du slipper alla problem med en leverantör som sköter allt.

När vi säger att vi tar hand om allt så menar vi det!

När vi bygger din nya hemsida, din nya butik, dina nya app eller din skräddarsydda lösning så tar vi han om allt. Vi bygger, utvecklar och sen ser vi till att det fungerar och att du syns på nätet - och du är naturligtvis med på hela resan. Jo, en sak till - vi ser till att alla dina plugins ich tillägg är uppdaterade också, för säkerhets skull.

Uppdateringar, nya texter, nya bilder - en ny video?

Nya bilder för din hemsida, en ny video, ny design, nytt utseende och kanske en ny logga? Vi tar hand om allt och ser till att du får det du vill ha, på utsatt tid och till fast pris.

Vi bygger din nya hemsida - till fast pris!

Hemsidor, appar, butiker på nätet kan bli en obehaglig överraskning när allt ska betalas. Därför har vi fasta priser - på allt - och du får veta exakt vad det kommer att kosta innan vi börjar att bygga.

Vill du synas på nätet?

Det är många termer och namn när det handlar om nätet men egentligen är det inte så svårt eller komplicerat. Kontakta oss så ska vi berätta hur du slipper alla problem med en leverantör som sköter allt.

När vi säger att vi tar hand om allt så menar vi det!

När vi bygger din nya hemsida, din nya butik, dina nya app eller din skräddarsydda lösning så tar vi han om allt. Vi bygger, utvecklar och sen ser vi till att det fungerar och att du syns på nätet - och du är naturligtvis med på hela resan. Jo, en sak till - vi ser till att alla dina plugins ich tillägg är uppdaterade också, för säkerhets skull.

Uppdateringar, nya texter, nya bilder - en ny video?

Nya bilder för din hemsida, en ny video, ny design, nytt utseende och kanske en ny logga? Vi tar hand om allt och ser till att du får det du vill ha, på utsatt tid och till fast pris.

iPhone X versus Android’s best: A surprisingly lopsided affair

The Galaxy Note 8 is an incredible phone. Back when I reviewed it for PCWorld I gave it the highest possible score and raved about its display, still the greatest I’ve seen in Android phone. The dual camera delivered impressive portraits and lush landscapes, and the battery powered through the...

How criminals clear your stolen iPhone for resale | ZDNet

Criminals have dedicated themselves to compromising iCloud accounts to wipe clean stolen devices using a set of interesting tools. Mobile devices, being valuable, expensive, and both thin and light enough for sticky fingers, are a constant target for thieves worldwide. Smartphones and tablets are...

Germany bans children’s smartwatches

A German regulator has banned the sale of smartwatches aimed at children, describing them as spying devices. It had previously banned an internet-connected doll called, My Friend Cayla, for similar reasons. Telecoms regulator the Federal Network Agency urged parents who had such watches to destroy...

Former Apple photo guru releases powerful iPhone camera app | Cult of Mac

A “Gentleman Coder” who is the former director of the Apple photo apps teams has launched an IOS app for the photographer who prefers to shoot RAW images. RAW Power for iOS hit the App Store this week from software company Gentlemen Coders LLC, whoch was founded by Nik Bhatt. His 14-year stint in...

Beating the iPhone X Face ID Is Hard. We Know, Because We Tried | WIRED

For any reader with face-hacking ambitions, let us now save you some time and cash: We failed. Did we come close to cracking Face ID? We don't know. Face ID offers no hints or scores when it reads a face, only a silently unlocked padlock icon or a merciless buzz of rejection. All we learned from...

Jack Dorsey saddened by Japan’s ’Twitter killer’ – BBC News

Twitter's chief executive has said a case in whoch an alleged serial killer is said to have lured victims by searching the social network for suicidal thoughts is "extremely sad".But Jack Dorsey added that it was not realistic to expect the service to auto-delete the kind of tweets said to have...

OnePlus Phones Have an Unfortunate Backdoor Built In | WIRED

ONEPLUS SMARTPHONES HAVE developed a bit of a cult following, thanks to a combination of design and affordability that few other Android handsets match. But OnePlus has also experienced some notable privacy and security issues, including a recent admission that it was collecting a sketchy amount...