Elon Musks Starlink håller folk förslavade i bedrägeribolag

Lästipset: Hon önskar att hennes jobb inte skulle finnas eller behövas

Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer

Google döper om Mexikanska Golfen – men bara för amerikanska användare
Bill Gates said Trump didn’t know the difference between HIV and HPV
Bill Gates has previously said President Donald Trump tried to hire him as the White House science adviser. A new clip of Gates talking about his first two meetings with Trump, obtained by MSNBC, may show why the tech innovator turned down the role. Among other...
Tracking Firm LocationSmart Leaked Location Data for Customers of All Major U.S. Mobile Carriers Without Consent in Real Time Via Its Web Site
LocationSmart, a U.S. based company that acts as an aggregator of real-time data about the precise location of mobile phone devices, has been leaking this information to anyone via a buggy component of its Web site — without the need for any password or other form of...
Did Google fake its Google Duplex AI demo?
Google during its keynote speech at the annual I/O developer conference last week stunned onlookers with a demonstration of its Google Assistant calling local businesses and conducting natural conversation to carry out “real world” tasks on behalf of users. It’s...
Hacks turn Amazon Alexa and Google Home into secret eavesdroppers
Researchers devise new two new attacks -- voice squatting and voice masquerading -- on Amazon Alexa and Google Home, allowing adversaries to steal personal information or silently eavesdrop. Oh, goody, Amazon Alexa and/or Google Home could be hit with remote,...
Steve Wozniak says we’ve lost our privacy
There are certain issues that concern Steve Wozniak, and certain issues that don't. In a wide-ranging interview with Business Insider out Thursday, the Apple co-founder said it bothers him when technology goes bad. These days, that means privacy -- or a lack thereof....
Signal Desktop Affected By Two Similar Remote Code Execution Bugs
Signal Desktop suffered from two similar remote code execution bugs activated when the attacker sends malicious HTML code. Källa: Signal Desktop Affected By Two Similar Remote Code Execution Bugs
Tim Cook confirms Apple Music’s 50 million users, push into TV and mov
In an appearance on Bloomberg Television on "The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations,", Cook was forthcoming about paid versus trial Apple Music subscribers. He said that in total, the service has more than 50 million users between paid members and...
A ’technologically illiterate’ New Yorker illustrator explains why he finally started drawing on an iPad
Even if you don't know who Mark Ulriksen is, you've probably seen his work. His "gracefully awkward" art has graced several magazine covers, including a widely praised New Yorker cover featuring Martin Luther King kneeling with Colin Kaepernick from earlier this year....
The Puzzle of Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is best known to the American public for running the White House daily briefing, a televised performance in whoch, without so much as raising her voice, the president’s press secretary manages to deflect questions, flatly contradict facts and...
CNN investigation: 103 Uber drivers accused of sexual assault or abuse
After an evening of cocktails in San Diego, a woman got into the back of an Uber for a ride home. She was so intoxicated she had to ask the driver to stop so she could vomit. She says she then passed out in the backseat. When she regained consciousness, the Uber...
Big Tech is an extractive industry, it must be regulated as such
There is a quiet coup unfolding in the global economy. Over the past decade, firms like Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook have soared to become the world's most highly valued firms. A few big companies now hold huge power over the "New Oil" that is our personal data....
How to use Workflow Sync in Workflow for iPhone and iPad
Once you've built or collected a few workflows for Workflow for iOS, it's helpful to use the Workflow Sync service get them onto all your devices. Workflow Sync will keep your automation setup consistent on your iPhone or iPad (or iPads), plus it ensures they're...