Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer

Google döper om Mexikanska Golfen – men bara för amerikanska användare

Lästipset: Elon Musk är redan förbrukad

Lästipset: Därför ska du inte handla på Temu och Schein
Therese lider av social fobi: Nätet blev en räddning
För en del som lider av social fobi kan livet bli ensamt och isolerat. Therese Green, som fick diagnosen som 17-åring, känner ingen som lider av social fobi i ”verkliga livet”. Men på sociala medier är det annorlunda. Källa: Therese lider av social fobi: Nätet blev en...
Expertens kritik: Risk för ”legal blackmailing”
Tusentals svenskar krävs på pengar av upphovsrättsägare för att ha laddat ner film olagligt. Även om man själv inte fildelat eller har en aning om vem som gjort det kan man uppmanas att betala flera tusen kronor. Uppdrag granskning har pratat med flera experter som...
Kravbreven: Advokatbyråernas massutskick kräver svenskar på tusentals kronor
Tiotusentals svenskar kan krävas på pengar för att ha laddat ner film. Även du som själv aldrig fildelat. Källa: Kravbreven: Advokatbyråernas massutskick kräver svenskar på tusentals kronor
The Last Days of Time Inc.
It was once an empire. Now it is being sold for parts. Time Inc. began, in 1922, with a simple but revolutionary idea hatched by Henry R. Luce and Briton Hadden. The two men, graduates of Yale University, were rookie reporters at The Baltimore News when they drew up a...
High-level vulnerabilities discovered in 84% of Android shopping apps – Help Net Security
A total of 274 vulnerabilities were detected among the top 50 Android shopping apps, and all had security risks. The apps were tested across 34 different security testing categories. A total of 274 vulnerabilities were detected among the top 50 Android mobile shopping...
How Fortnite Captured Teens’ Hearts and Minds
It was getting late in Tomato Town. The storm was closing in, and meteors pelted the ground. Gizzard Lizard had made his way there after plundering the sparsely populated barns and domiciles of Anarchy Acres, then by avoiding the Wailing Woods and keeping the storm...
The FBI Informant Who Monitored the Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Oversaw a CIA Spying Operation in the 1980 Presidential Election
AN EXTREMELY STRANGE EPISODE that has engulfed official Washington over the last two weeks came to a truly bizarre conclusion on Friday night. And it revolves around a long-time, highly sketchy CIA operative, Stefan Halper. Four decades ago, Halper was responsible for...
Världens mest sofistikerade datamask
Den snurrade runt ute på nätet i mer än ett år innan den upptäcktes och det tog lång tid innan säkerhetsforskare visste vad programmet gjorde eller vad som var syftet med all denna kod. Till slut kunde en av världens mest sofistikerade datamaskar analyseras och det...
The Untold Story of Japan’s Secret Spy Agency
EVERY WEEK IN Tokyo’s Ichigaya district, about two miles east of the bright neon lights and swarming crowds in the heart of Shibuya, a driver quietly parks a black sedan-style car outside a gray office building. Before setting off on a short 10-minute drive south, he...
North Korea-tied hackers used Google Play and Facebook to infect defectors
Researchers said a team of hackers tied to North Korea recently managed to get the Google Playmarket to host at least three Android apps designed to surreptitiously steal personal information from defectors of the isolated nation. The three apps first appeared in the...
Bill Gates said Trump didn’t know the difference between HIV and HPV
Bill Gates has previously said President Donald Trump tried to hire him as the White House science adviser. A new clip of Gates talking about his first two meetings with Trump, obtained by MSNBC, may show why the tech innovator turned down the role. Among other...
Tracking Firm LocationSmart Leaked Location Data for Customers of All Major U.S. Mobile Carriers Without Consent in Real Time Via Its Web Site
LocationSmart, a U.S. based company that acts as an aggregator of real-time data about the precise location of mobile phone devices, has been leaking this information to anyone via a buggy component of its Web site — without the need for any password or other form of...