Lästipset: Temu har tagit över – dominerar handeln helt
Journalister gick bort sig helt i da Costa-fallet
Lästipset: Tekniken som faktiskt styr vår värld
Lästipset: Han blev bannad från X. Nu vill han hjälpa dig att fly också
Lästipset: Bluesky har nu 24 miljoner användare. Jay Graber lovar fortfarande att hålla det från att skitas ned
Säpo får helt nya möjligheter till massövervakning
Gaming addiction: Are we asking the right questions?
The World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to include "gaming disorders" in its 11th revision of internationally recognised diseases. This addiction is described by the WHO as "a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behaviour" that may become so...
The Obsessive Search for the Tasmanian Tiger
Andrew Orchard lives near the northeastern coast of Tasmania, in the same ramshackle farmhouse that his great-grandparents, the first generation of his English family to be born on the Australian island, built in 1906. When I visited Orchard there, in March, he...
PO kritiserar flera medier efter metoo-rapportering
Pressens opinionsnämnd har granskat några av höstens metoo-relaterade publiceringar i svenska medier. Nämnden kommer fram till att tio av publiceringarna har inneburit att tidningarna har brutit – i ett fall grovt – mot god publicistisk sed. Pressens...
An Abused Woman Came to the U.S. Seeking Asylum. The Government Took Her 5-Year-Old Son. This Is How She Got Him Back.
A Guatemalan woman whose child was taken from her last month by immigration authorities in Texas after coming to the U.S. seeking asylum was released after 38 days in detention last week. Immediately after being freed, she went to the federally funded facility that...
A Reckoning After Trump’s Border Separation Policy: What Kind of Country Are We?
Presidents have many jobs, and one is telling us who we are. For the first 240 years of U.S. history, at least, our most revered chief executives reliably articulated a set of high-minded, humanist values that bound together a diverse nation by naming what we aspired...
American media keeps falling for Russian trolls
Russian trolls posing as an American college student tweeted about divisive social, political and cultural issues using an account that amassed thousands of followers -- and appeared in dozens of news stories published by major media outlets -- as recently as March....
Försvarsexpert: Så enkelt kan man hyra ett botnätverk
Den politiska diskussionen på Twitter drivs delvis av misstänkta botar. Tekniken är i dag tillgänglig för i princip vem som helst och Försvarshögskolans expert, Björn Palmertz, manar nu till stor vaksamhet. Botar är i grunden automatiserade konton som används för att...
Hands off my data! 15 more default privacy settings you should change on your TV, cellphone plan, LinkedIn and more.
Default privacy settings often aren’t very private. Our tech columnist is back with round two of his clickable guide to improving your privacy on all sorts of devices and online services. It’s not just Google and Facebook that are spying on you. Your TV, your...
See What’s Happening!
People come to Twitter to see and discuss what matters to them — from breaking news to the day’s events and memes. This is because whatever is happening in the world, is happening on Twitter — with real-time conversation. There’s no better example than...
Twelve South AirFly review: Connect Bluetooth headphones to any wired source
"It's a beautiful day for flying," the captain said, his introductory message piped through my Libratone Track+ headphones. I don't usually hear these messages: I've long since stopped using wired headphones on airplanes, preferring an Apple Music playlist on...
Donald Trump’s Surveillance of New York Times Reporter Is a True Declaration of War Against the Press
Ever since he began his campaign for president, Trump has engaged in a largely rhetorical battle against the press, casting the reporters who cover him as the enemy of the average American and as disseminators of what he calls “fake news.” But for the most part,...
Why one judge’s decision could change the fate of U.S. media
The U.S. media industry waits on one man: Rochard Leon. A senior judge at the U.S. District court for the District of Columbia, Leon will decide on Tuesday whether to approve AT&T’s $85 billion acquisition of Time Warner. AT&T’s argument for the merger is...