Lästipset: Temu har tagit över – dominerar handeln helt
Journalister gick bort sig helt i da Costa-fallet
Lästipset: Tekniken som faktiskt styr vår värld
Lästipset: Han blev bannad från X. Nu vill han hjälpa dig att fly också
Lästipset: Bluesky har nu 24 miljoner användare. Jay Graber lovar fortfarande att hålla det från att skitas ned
Säpo får helt nya möjligheter till massövervakning
How Online Hobbyists Can Reaffirm Your Faith in the Internet
Pottery, improbably, is the latest escapist pastime to sweep the nation. Because making ceramics requires persistence and all-consuming concentration, it is said to be a perfect salve for a particular set of modern anxieties — too much work, too much news, too much...
10 years of the App Store: The design evolution of the earliest apps
One of the most significant design opportunities in recent history was announced with a simple blog post on Apple’s website. “Let me just say it: We want native third-party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers’ hands in February,” Steve...
“I Was Devastated”: The Man Who Created the World Wide Web Has Some Regrets
Tim Berners-Lee has seen his creation debased by everything from fake news to mass surveillance. But he’s got a plan to fix it. “For people who want to make sure the Web serves humanity, we have to concern ourselves with what people are building on top of it,” Tim...
John Kelly, Scott Pruitt, and the Epic Turnover of the Trump Administration
What does the endless death watch for the President’s chief of staff tell us about the worst-run White House of modern times? Is John Kelly finally on his way out? Now that President Trump has accepted the resignation of his embattled E.P.A. chief, Scott Pruitt, the...
Why the Twitter Thread About Two People Flirting on a Plane Felt So Good and So Bad
This Fourth of July holiday, there was more than one set of fireworks in the sky. As America celebrated its birthday, the internet fawned over the latest viral Twitter thread, a meet-cute between two strangers on a flight from New York to Dallas, as documented by the...
Ready for Vacation? Here’s the Best Tech for Trip Planning
Smartphone? Check. Spare battery? Check. Power cables? Check. After deciding whoch gadgets to pack for your summer vacation, you can move on to the harder — and more fun — part: planning what you are going to do. Flipping through printed travel guides and paper maps...
The Pirate Bay is silently mining cryptocurrency without user consent
Last year, it was reported that one of the most popular torrenting websites The Pirate Bay (TPB) was using Coinhive’s cryptocurrency mining code to generate Monero coins by using computing power (CPU) of its visitors without their consent – After criticism from...
DEBATT, Expressen: Gå inte på myten om ett rasistiskt Sverige
Ett fåtal, gärna skruvade och ofta anonyma, synpunkter diskuteras som vore de forskningsrapporter eller sanningar. Sluta svälja alla dessa digitala beten om ett fullständigt sönderslitet land, skriver mediestrategen Brit Stakston. Källa: DEBATT: Gå inte på myten om...
Comment: Apple’s habit of announcing early, delivering late, is worse for Apple than for us
Looking at Apple’s recent history of new product launches, it seems that delays are the norm rather than the exception. AirPods were originally promised for late October 2016, and actually went on sale in mid-December. HomePod was announced in June 2017, promised for...
Redaktionen efter skjutningen: ”Vi delar ut en jävla tidning i morgon”
Dagen efter skjutningen på The Capital Gazette, är tidningen tryckt och distribuerad som vanligt. På framsidan finns bilder av de fem dödade redaktionsmedlemmarna. ”Ett står klart: vi delar ut en jävla tidningen i morgon”, twittrar reportern Chase Cook. ”Fem skjutna...
Aftonbladet DEBATT: Övergrepp kan inte stoppas med en app
På söndag träder samtyckeslagen i kraft. Det är nu viktigare än någonsin att alla har rätt kunskap om vad samtycke innebär. Samtidigt sprids nyheten om försvarsadvokaten Baharak Vaziris app Libra där en kan fylla i att en samtycker till sex. Syftet är att underlätta...
The NSA’s Hidden Spy Hubs in Eight U.S. Cities
THE SECRETS ARE hidden behind fortified walls in cities across the United States, inside towering, windowless skyscrapers and fortress-like concrete structures that were built to withstand earthquakes and even nuclear attack. Thousands of people pass by the buildings...