Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey defends failure to ban Alex Jones

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey defends failure to ban Alex Jones

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey has defended his company’s decision to continue publishing the controversial tweets of the American conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, saying Jones’s content “hasn’t violated our rules”. Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify have all banned...

It’s True: Trump Is Lying More, and He’s Doing It on Purpose

It’s True: Trump Is Lying More, and He’s Doing It on Purpose

On Thursday, the Washington Post published a remarkable story on its front page revealing a recent spike in the number of “false and misleading claims” made by President Trump. In his first year as President, Trump made 2,140 false claims, according to the Post. In...

Everything new in iOS 12 beta 6

Everything new in iOS 12 beta 6

Earlier on Monday, Apple released the sixth beta of iOS 12 to developers. We've had our heads down rooting through this latest update to see what has changed in this update. We are getting closer and closer to release, so the changes are getting more difficult to...

The Information War Is On. Are We Ready For It?

The Information War Is On. Are We Ready For It?

Disinformation, misinformation, and social media hoaxes have evolved into high-stakes information war. But our frameworks for dealing with them have remained the same. ON AUGUST 1, 2018, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence held a public hearing asking experts...

The Bullshit Web

The Bullshit Web

  My home computer in 1998 had a 56K modem connected to our telephone line; we were allowed a maximum of thirty minutes of computer usage a day, because my parents — quite reasonably — did not want to have their telephone shut off for an evening at a time. I...

Everything bad about Facebook is bad for the same reason

Everything bad about Facebook is bad for the same reason

In June 2016, Antonio Perkins unintentionally broadcast his own death to the world. It was a sunny day in Chicago, and he was sharing it on Facebook Live, a platform for distributing video in real-time, released just a few months earlier. The video is long. It...

Facebook Has Identified Ongoing Political Influence Campaign

Facebook Has Identified Ongoing Political Influence Campaign

WASHINGTON — Facebook is preparing to announce that it has identified a coordinated political influence campaign, with dozens of inauthentic accounts and pages that are believed to be engaging in political activity ahead of November’s midterm elections, according to...

Samsung’s second quarter stung by soft smartphone sales

Samsung’s second quarter stung by soft smartphone sales

The company turns in its lowest profit growth in a year. Samsung is feeling the pain from the smartphone slowdown. The South Korean electronics giant on Monday reported a 6 percent rise in operating profit, its lowest profit growth in more than a year. It also logged...

Vi bygger din nya hemsida - till fast pris!

Hemsidor, appar, butiker på nätet kan bli en obehaglig överraskning när allt ska betalas. Därför har vi fasta priser - på allt - och du får veta exakt vad det kommer att kosta innan vi börjar att bygga.

Vill du synas på nätet?

Det är många termer och namn när det handlar om nätet men egentligen är det inte så svårt eller komplicerat. Kontakta oss så ska vi berätta hur du slipper alla problem med en leverantör som sköter allt.

När vi säger att vi tar hand om allt så menar vi det!

När vi bygger din nya hemsida, din nya butik, dina nya app eller din skräddarsydda lösning så tar vi han om allt. Vi bygger, utvecklar och sen ser vi till att det fungerar och att du syns på nätet - och du är naturligtvis med på hela resan. Jo, en sak till - vi ser till att alla dina plugins ich tillägg är uppdaterade också, för säkerhets skull.

Uppdateringar, nya texter, nya bilder - en ny video?

Nya bilder för din hemsida, en ny video, ny design, nytt utseende och kanske en ny logga? Vi tar hand om allt och ser till att du får det du vill ha, på utsatt tid och till fast pris.

Vi bygger din nya hemsida - till fast pris!

Hemsidor, appar, butiker på nätet kan bli en obehaglig överraskning när allt ska betalas. Därför har vi fasta priser - på allt - och du får veta exakt vad det kommer att kosta innan vi börjar att bygga.

Vill du synas på nätet?

Det är många termer och namn när det handlar om nätet men egentligen är det inte så svårt eller komplicerat. Kontakta oss så ska vi berätta hur du slipper alla problem med en leverantör som sköter allt.

När vi säger att vi tar hand om allt så menar vi det!

När vi bygger din nya hemsida, din nya butik, dina nya app eller din skräddarsydda lösning så tar vi han om allt. Vi bygger, utvecklar och sen ser vi till att det fungerar och att du syns på nätet - och du är naturligtvis med på hela resan. Jo, en sak till - vi ser till att alla dina plugins ich tillägg är uppdaterade också, för säkerhets skull.

Uppdateringar, nya texter, nya bilder - en ny video?

Nya bilder för din hemsida, en ny video, ny design, nytt utseende och kanske en ny logga? Vi tar hand om allt och ser till att du får det du vill ha, på utsatt tid och till fast pris.

The Bullshit Web

  My home computer in 1998 had a 56K modem connected to our telephone line; we were allowed a maximum of thirty minutes of computer usage a day, because my parents — quite reasonably — did not want to have their telephone shut off for an evening at a time. I remember webpages loading slowly:...

Everything bad about Facebook is bad for the same reason

In June 2016, Antonio Perkins unintentionally broadcast his own death to the world. It was a sunny day in Chicago, and he was sharing it on Facebook Live, a platform for distributing video in real-time, released just a few months earlier. The video is long. It features Perkins doing mundane summer...

Google Plans to Launch Censored Search Engine in China, Leaked Documents Reveal

GOOGLE IS PLANNING to launch a censored version of its search engine in China that will blacklist websites and search terms about human rights, democracy, religion, and peaceful protest, The Intercept can reveal. The project – code-named Dragonfly – has been underway since spring of last year, and...

Facebook Has Identified Ongoing Political Influence Campaign

WASHINGTON — Facebook is preparing to announce that it has identified a coordinated political influence campaign, with dozens of inauthentic accounts and pages that are believed to be engaging in political activity ahead of November’s midterm elections, according to three people briefed on the...

Samsung’s second quarter stung by soft smartphone sales

The company turns in its lowest profit growth in a year. Samsung is feeling the pain from the smartphone slowdown. The South Korean electronics giant on Monday reported a 6 percent rise in operating profit, its lowest profit growth in more than a year. It also logged a 4 percent increase in...

Lästips: Därför fick Jobs barn inte testa Ipaden

Finns det egentligen någon som är nöjd med hur internet fungerar i dag? Johan Anderberg skriver om en bransch som gått från skapa teknikprodukter till att bygga om våra hjärnor. Ett litet handskrivet vykort. För nästan hundra år sedan var det allt som krävdes för att starta en radiostation i USA....

Maggie Haberman: Why I Needed to Pull Back From Twitter

WASHINGTON — I woke up last Sunday morning feeling anxiety in my chest as I checked the Twitter app on my phone, scrolling down to refresh, refresh, refresh. There was a comment I started to engage with — I opened a new post, tapped out some words, then thought better of it and deleted the tweet....

The Midterm Elections Are Already Under Attack

  WITH PRIMARIES UNDERWAY and less than four months to go until this year's midterm elections, early signs of attack have already arrived—just as the US intelligence community warned. And yet Congress has still not done everything in its power to defend against them. At the Aspen Security...