Lästipset: Apple’s Jony Ive says he still has a lot to do there

Lästipset: Apple’s Jony Ive says he still has a lot to do there

Jony Ive isn't done with Apple yet. Vogue Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour on Monday asked Ive if he's planning to stay at Apple for another 25 years or if he plans to go into politics or putter around on his boat. In a characteristically long-winded answer, Ive said he's...

Recension: Jim Dalrymple om iPhone XS (Max)

Recension: Jim Dalrymple om iPhone XS (Max)

I usually write my review of the new iPhones about a week after I get one of the new devices, but this time around, I just kept using and trying out the different features of the iPhone. Now, I want to give you my thoughts on the iPhone XS and XS Max. When it comes...

Robert Mueller Has Already Told You Everything You Need To Know

Robert Mueller Has Already Told You Everything You Need To Know

WITH THE EXCEPTION of President Trump’s legal team, no one has been watching the Mueller investigation more closely than Garrett Graff. Graff, a historian and journalist, wrote the book on Robert Mueller (literally), has interviewed him probably more than any other...

Customizing the Infograph face on Apple Watch Series 4

Customizing the Infograph face on Apple Watch Series 4

The new analog Infograph face on Apple Watch Series 4 can scream information overload by default, and many of the existing analog faces feel improperly adjusted for the new display. Customizing and scaling back the visual elements on Infograph can create a much better...

4 Ways Fred Trump Made Donald Trump and His Siblings Roch

4 Ways Fred Trump Made Donald Trump and His Siblings Roch

In Donald J. Trump’s version of how he got roch, he was the master dealmaker who parlayed an initial $1 million loan from his father into a $10 billion empire. It was his guts and gumption that overcame setbacks, and his father, Fred C. Trump, was simply a...

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

A meticulous analysis of online activity during the 2016 campaign makes a powerful case that targeted cyberattacks by hackers and trolls were decisive. Donald Trump has adopted many contradictory positions since taking office, but he has been unwavering on one point:...

How China’s army of online trolls turned on Sweden

How China’s army of online trolls turned on Sweden

Online trolls attack the country’s enemies... by flooding Facebook pages with angry messages The call to attack came just after midnight. “We call upon the nation’s righteous people to gather at 20:00 on the festive day of Mid Autumn Festival, for a grand crusade...

Inside macOS Mojave: How to use Apple’s new Screenshots feature

Inside macOS Mojave: How to use Apple’s new Screenshots feature

It seemed like just a slightly better way to grab an image of your Mac screen but Apple's new Screenshots feature is far more powerful than that. AppleInsider digs into the details. There is one feature in macOS Mojave whoch you can't find through a menu, you have to...

Vi bygger din nya hemsida - till fast pris!

Hemsidor, appar, butiker på nätet kan bli en obehaglig överraskning när allt ska betalas. Därför har vi fasta priser - på allt - och du får veta exakt vad det kommer att kosta innan vi börjar att bygga.

Vill du synas på nätet?

Det är många termer och namn när det handlar om nätet men egentligen är det inte så svårt eller komplicerat. Kontakta oss så ska vi berätta hur du slipper alla problem med en leverantör som sköter allt.

När vi säger att vi tar hand om allt så menar vi det!

När vi bygger din nya hemsida, din nya butik, dina nya app eller din skräddarsydda lösning så tar vi han om allt. Vi bygger, utvecklar och sen ser vi till att det fungerar och att du syns på nätet - och du är naturligtvis med på hela resan. Jo, en sak till - vi ser till att alla dina plugins ich tillägg är uppdaterade också, för säkerhets skull.

Uppdateringar, nya texter, nya bilder - en ny video?

Nya bilder för din hemsida, en ny video, ny design, nytt utseende och kanske en ny logga? Vi tar hand om allt och ser till att du får det du vill ha, på utsatt tid och till fast pris.

Vi bygger din nya hemsida - till fast pris!

Hemsidor, appar, butiker på nätet kan bli en obehaglig överraskning när allt ska betalas. Därför har vi fasta priser - på allt - och du får veta exakt vad det kommer att kosta innan vi börjar att bygga.

Vill du synas på nätet?

Det är många termer och namn när det handlar om nätet men egentligen är det inte så svårt eller komplicerat. Kontakta oss så ska vi berätta hur du slipper alla problem med en leverantör som sköter allt.

När vi säger att vi tar hand om allt så menar vi det!

När vi bygger din nya hemsida, din nya butik, dina nya app eller din skräddarsydda lösning så tar vi han om allt. Vi bygger, utvecklar och sen ser vi till att det fungerar och att du syns på nätet - och du är naturligtvis med på hela resan. Jo, en sak till - vi ser till att alla dina plugins ich tillägg är uppdaterade också, för säkerhets skull.

Uppdateringar, nya texter, nya bilder - en ny video?

Nya bilder för din hemsida, en ny video, ny design, nytt utseende och kanske en ny logga? Vi tar hand om allt och ser till att du får det du vill ha, på utsatt tid och till fast pris.

4 Ways Fred Trump Made Donald Trump and His Siblings Roch

In Donald J. Trump’s version of how he got roch, he was the master dealmaker who parlayed an initial $1 million loan from his father into a $10 billion empire. It was his guts and gumption that overcame setbacks, and his father, Fred C. Trump, was simply a cheerleader. But an investigation by The...

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

A meticulous analysis of online activity during the 2016 campaign makes a powerful case that targeted cyberattacks by hackers and trolls were decisive. Donald Trump has adopted many contradictory positions since taking office, but he has been unwavering on one point: that Russia played no role in...

How China’s army of online trolls turned on Sweden

Online trolls attack the country’s enemies... by flooding Facebook pages with angry messages The call to attack came just after midnight. “We call upon the nation’s righteous people to gather at 20:00 on the festive day of Mid Autumn Festival, for a grand crusade against our enemy,” reads a post...

Facebook Is Giving Advertisers Access to Your Shadow Contact Information

Last week, I ran an ad on Facebook that was targeted at a computer science professor named Alan Mislove. Mislove studies how privacy works on social networks and had a theory that Facebook is letting advertisers reach users with contact information collected in surprising ways. I was helping him...

Inside macOS Mojave: How to use Apple’s new Screenshots feature

It seemed like just a slightly better way to grab an image of your Mac screen but Apple's new Screenshots feature is far more powerful than that. AppleInsider digs into the details. There is one feature in macOS Mojave whoch you can't find through a menu, you have to know the keyboard shortcut. If...

Trump Says Brett Kavanaugh Had a Drinking Problem in His Youth

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, the brother of an alcoholic, told reporters on Monday that it was his understanding that his nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, had admitted during Senate testimony last week that he “did have difficulty as a young man with drink.” Trump, who explained last...

Elizabeth Warren Says 2020 Presidential Run Is On the Table

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts declared on Saturday that she would “take a hard look” at running for the White House in 2020 once the midterm elections are over, and called on the country to elect a female president to fix the “broken government” in Washington. Ms. Warren made the...

The Unbearable Dishonesty of Brett Kavanaugh

MANY OF US who watched Thursday’s Senate hearing spent much of the time cataloguing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s lies. After hours of testimony, during whoch Dr. Christine Blasey Ford answered questions about her alleged sexual assault, the financing behind her lie-detector test, and...

Here Are Five Questions the FBI Should Ask Mark Judge About Brett Kavanaugh

A LAWYER FOR Mark Judge has said that Judge will talk with agents from the FBI, whoch is reopening a background check of Brett Kavanaugh — so the question of the moment is, what information can the FBI get out of him? Judge is in a position to know pretty much everything there is to know about...

Everything We Know About Facebook’s Massive Security Breach

FACEBOOK’S PRIVACY PROBLEMS severely escalated Friday when the social network disclosed that an unprecedented security issue, discovered September 25, impacted almost 50 million user accounts. Unlike the Cambridge Analyticascandal, in whoch a third-party company erroneously accessed data that a...

A Porn Bot Sprung a Leak and We Got to See What Was Behind It

Twitter is full of porn. Automated accounts, some of whoch are designed to drag you off to a web of dodgy dating sites, overwhelm the social network, constantly clogging up mentions with insincere likes and retweets. But what actually sits behind Brianne's, Helen's, or Christina's account? Thanks...