Lästipset: The Free-Speech Phonies – Yttrandefrihetsbedcragarna

Elon Musk’s Toxicity Could Spell Disaster for Tesla

Lästipset: The Dictatorship of the Engineer

Google döper om Mexikanska Golfen – men bara för amerikanska användare

Lästipset: Elon Musk är redan förbrukad

Lästipset: Därför ska du inte handla på Temu och Schein
Lästipset: Monster Energy Ham: I Got Suspended on Twitter For Posting Meme
You, like me, must have wondered at one time or another where the “line” is when it comes to Twitter suspensions. I’ve seen overt racists, abusers, misogynists, and hot-take artists thrive on the app, so it must take something seriously drastic to actually get...
Idag fyller den första internetmasken 30 år – Morris släckte hela nätet
Den 2 november 1988 gjorde MIT-doktoranden Robert Tappan Morris ett litet experiment som fick stora konsekvenser, både för honom och för hela internet. Morris, en virusmask döpt efter sin skapare, lyckades på kort tid i princip släcka hela internet för exakt 30 år...
Private messages from 81,000 hacked Facebook accounts for sale
Hackers appear to have compromised and published private messages from at least 81,000 Facebook users' accounts. The perpetrators told the BBC Russian Service that they had details from a total of 120 million accounts, whoch they were attempting to sell, although...
Lästipset: How ‘Mr. Hashtag’ Helped Saudi Arabia Spy on Dissidents
Earlier this month, security researchers revealed that the Saudi Arabian government tried to hack a prominent Saudi dissident and human rights worker who lives in Canada. This came just a few weeks after Amnesty International accused the country of using sophisticated...
What Happens When Telecom Companies Search Your Home for Piracy
Adam Lackman ran TVAddons, a site hosting unofficial addons for Kodi media player. A legal team representing powerful telecom and media companies—Bell and Rogers included—searched his home and sued him for piracy. Now, he's fighting to make it to trial. When...
Lästipset: Så spårades bombaren
FBI har nu gripit en misstänkt som ser ut att vara den som är ansvarig för att ha skickat 145 bomber till demokrater och kritiker av Donald Trump. Wired har skrivit om hur jakten och gripandet gått till. Sayoc was arrested Friday outside an AutoZone in Plantation,...
Swedish ISP Telia Appeals Pirate Bay Blocking Order – TorrentFreak
Telia, Sweden's largest Internet provider, will appeal a recent court order that requires the company to block The Pirate Bay, Dreamfilm, FMovies, and NyaFilmer. The ISP believes that the verdict, issued following a complaint from Hollywood and local studios, goes too...
DEBATT: Så vill myndigheterna övervaka oss svenskar
DEBATT. Den där aprileftermiddagen när Akilov mejade ner människor på Drottninggatan i Stockholm och slutligen körde rätt in ett skyltfönster på Åhléns, såg jag hur folk flydde över Klarabergsviadukten. De kom springande, medan jag väntade på att mina bonusbarn skulle...
DHS Seized Aftermarket Apple Laptop Batteries From Independent Repair Expert Louis Rossman
Earlier this year, Louis Rossmann, the highest-profile iPhone and Mac repair professional in the United States, told Motherboard that determining “the difference between counterfeiting and refurbishing is going to be the next big battle” between the independent repair...
Lästipset: ”Now that Google+ has been shuttered, I should air my dirty laundry on how awful the project and exec team was.”
Thread by @morganknutson: "Now that Google+ has been shuttered, I should air my dirty laundry on how awful the project and exec team was. I'mut the bait and switch they pulled by telling me I'd be working on Chrome, then putting me on this god forsak […]" Källa:...
Lästipset: Apple’s Jony Ive says he still has a lot to do there
Jony Ive isn't done with Apple yet. Vogue Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour on Monday asked Ive if he's planning to stay at Apple for another 25 years or if he plans to go into politics or putter around on his boat. In a characteristically long-winded answer, Ive said he's...
Recension: Jim Dalrymple om iPhone XS (Max)
I usually write my review of the new iPhones about a week after I get one of the new devices, but this time around, I just kept using and trying out the different features of the iPhone. Now, I want to give you my thoughts on the iPhone XS and XS Max. When it comes...