Lästipset: Temu har tagit över – dominerar handeln helt
Journalister gick bort sig helt i da Costa-fallet
Lästipset: Tekniken som faktiskt styr vår värld
Lästipset: Han blev bannad från X. Nu vill han hjälpa dig att fly också
Lästipset: Bluesky har nu 24 miljoner användare. Jay Graber lovar fortfarande att hålla det från att skitas ned
Säpo får helt nya möjligheter till massövervakning
Vandaler gripna efter att ha loggat på skolans nätverk
Dagen före examen tog de fyra ungdomarna sig in på den gena skolan sprayade väggarna med rasistiska och homfobiska slagord. För skolans personal kom till skolan dagens efter så möttes de av en svastika. De fyra kunde gripas sedan det visat sig att de loggat in på...
How a Longtime Tech Editor Keeps His Tech Use Simple
Why complicate things with unproven bleeding-edge tech? Jim Kerstetter, deputy tech editor, also shops local and stays away from Uber and Postmates. How do New York Times journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? Jim Kerstetter, deputy...
Goodbye, Chrome: Google’s web browser has become spy software
Our latest privacy experiment found Chrome ushered more than 11,000 tracker cookies into our browser — in a single week. Here’s why Firefox is better. You open your browser to look at the Web. Do you know who is looking back at you? Over a recent week of Web surfing,...
Gates Says Steve Jobs Cast ‘Spells’ to Keep Apple From Dying
Apple’s Steve Jobs was singular in his ability to take a company “on a path to die” and turn it into the world’s most valuable -- in part by “casting spells,” billionaire Bill Gates said. Gates spoke of Jobs, the Apple Inc. co-founder and chief executive officer who...
Lästipset: Så fungerar design och verksamheten inom Apple
May-Li Khoe har jobbat inom Apple och jobbat med Jony Ive. Här hennes bild av hur Apple fungerar. och den all som Ive har spelat inom företaget. May-Li Khoe: How design and operations really work at AppleAn interview with someone super smart and super talented who was...
Lästipset: Jony Ives långa avsked från Apple
Inside Apple's Long Goodbye to Design Chief Jony Ive Jony Ive has been leaving Apple Inc. for years. When it was finally made official on Thursday, there was nevertheless hand-wringing about the company’s future. Ive led a stable, close-knit team of designers who...
Lästipset: En app för att klä av kvinnor ger oss en skrämmande bild av AI
An app using AI to 'undress' women offers a terrifying glimpse into the future | Arwa Mahdawi ‘The world is not yet ready for DeepNude’ Want to see Taylor Swift naked? There’s an app for that. It’s called DeepNude and it uses AI to “undress” photos of women and...
Jony Ive Is Leaving Apple
I don’t worry that Apple is in trouble because Jony Ive is leaving; I worry that Apple is in trouble because he’s not being replaced. I’ve never been an “Apple is doomed without Steve Jobs” person. But part of what made Apple the Apple we know in the post-1997 era is...
Lästipset: Möt Apples team som granskar alla appar
Inside Apple's team that greenlights iPhone apps for the App Store In an inside look at Apple, CNBC has learned from people familiar with the process how the company reviews and approves apps and other iPhone software. The app review process has grown in importance as...
Texts between Hannity, Manafort unsealed by court
Private text messages between Fox News host Sean Hannity and former chairman of the Trump 2016 campaign Paul Manafort have been unsealed by a federal court and were posted online Friday. The 55 pages of texts show the two discussing the Mueller investigation into...
Team of American Hackers and Emirati Spies Discussed Attacking The Intercept
OPERATIVES AT A controversial cybersecurity firm working for the United Arab Emirates government discussed targeting The Intercept and breaching the computers of its employees, according to two sources, including a member of the hacking team who said they were present...
Flera medier samtidigt kan förbättra uppmärksamheten
Att kolla mobilen, ha på tv och samtidigt spela datorspel blir allt vanligare bland unga i dag. Men att använda många tekniska kanaler samtidigt kan förbättra uppmärksamheten enligt en ny studie från Umeå universitet. I studien har 51 personer mellan 17-35 år...