TED: Ett fritt och öppet nät gynnar alla

TED: Ett fritt och öppet nät gynnar alla

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Without the internet, how would you have coped with the pandemic — from work and school, to maintaining your closest relationships? In the digital age, reliance on the internet is so common and seems ubiquitous, yet billions of people worldwide still go without it.

Digital transformation strategist Priscilla Chomba-Kinywa advocates for collective access to the opportunities and potential the internet provides, underscoring the necessity of free and fair digital rights for all.

TED: Ett fritt och öppet nät gynnar alla

TED: Därför tar stora ledare humor på allvar

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

There’s a mistaken belief in today’s working world that leaders need to be serious all the time to be taken seriously. The research tells a different story. Based on the course they teach at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, behavioral scientist Jennifer Aaker and corporate strategist Naomi Bagdonas delve into the surprising power of humor: why it’s a secret weapon to build bonds, power, creativity and resilience — and how we can all have more of it.

TED: Ett fritt och öppet nät gynnar alla

TED: Vad händer när datorerna blir smartare än vad vi är?

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

Artificial intelligence is getting smarter by leaps and bounds — within this century, research suggests, a computer AI could be as ”smart” as a human being.

And then, says Nick Bostrom, it will overtake us: ”Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.” A philosopher and technologist, Bostrom asks us to think hard about the world we’re building right now, driven by thinking machines. Will our smart machines help to preserve humanity and our values — or will they have values of their own?

TED: Ett fritt och öppet nät gynnar alla

TED: Ett fritt och rättvist Internet gynnar alla

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

Without the internet, how would you have coped with the pandemic — from work and school, to maintaining your closest relationships? In the digital age, reliance on the internet is so common and seems ubiquitous, yet billions of people worldwide still go without it. Digital transformation strategist Priscilla Chomba-Kinywa advocates for collective access to the opportunities and potential the internet provides, underscoring the necessity of free and fair digital rights for all.

TED: Ett fritt och öppet nät gynnar alla

TED: Siri, Alexa, Google … vad kommer sen?

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

From Siri to Alexa to Google, virtual assistants already permeate our lives. What will the next generation of these digital helpers look and sound like? Customer experience professional Karen Lellouche Tordjman gives us a glimpse of where they’re headed — and breaks down the two key challenges engineers need to crack in order to usher in a new age of truly smart voice assistants.

TED: Ett fritt och öppet nät gynnar alla

TED: Hur bättre tekniska prylar kan bli mindre störande

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

How often does technology interrupt us from what we really mean to be doing? At work and at play, we spend a startling amount of time distracted by pings and pop-ups — instead of helping us spend our time well, it often feels like our tech is stealing it away from us. Design thinker Tristan Harris offers thoughtful new ideas for technology that creates more meaningful interaction. He asks: ”What does the future of technology look like when you’re designing for the deepest human values?”