TED: Min jakt på bevis att Aliens finns

TED: Min jakt på bevis att Aliens finns

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

Why have we not yet found proof of alien life? According to astrophysicist Avi Loeb, we simply haven’t dedicated the proper resources.

Diving into unidentified phenomena such as the Oumuamua asteroid, he explores his scientific search for extraterrestrial technology, envisioning a future where a higher interstellar intelligence helps us improve life here on Earth.

TED: Så fixar du ett brustet hjärta

TED: Så fixar du ett brustet hjärta

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

selective focus photography of black microphone

At some point in our lives, almost every one of us will have our heart broken. Imagine how different things would be if we paid more attention to this unique emotional pain.

Psychologist Guy Winch reveals how recovering from heartbreak starts with a determination to fight our instincts to idealize and search for answers that aren’t there — and offers a toolkit on how to, eventually, move on. Our hearts might sometimes be broken, but we don’t have to break with them.


TED: Vår berättelse om våldtäkt och försoning

TED: Vår berättelse om våldtäkt och försoning

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

In 1996, Thordis Elva shared a teenage romance with Tom Stranger, an exchange student from Australia. After a school dance, Tom raped Thordis, after which they parted ways for many years. In this extraordinary talk,

Elva and Stranger move through a years-long chronology of shame and silence, and invite us to discuss the omnipresent global issue of sexual violence in a new, honest way. For a Q&A with the speakers, visit go.ted.com/thordisandtom

TED: Så fixar du ett brustet hjärta

TED: Kan Amerika komma samman efter mordförsöket på Trump?

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

selective focus photography of black microphone

In this urgent conversation, president and founder of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media Ian Bremmer joins TED’s Helen Walters to discuss the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump and its profound implications for American politics and democracy.

Listen for the latest on the shooting’s political ramifications, the heightened polarization and disinformation in the US electoral cycle and answers to broader questions about leadership and unity in a divided nation.

TED: Hur du skulle kunna se inuti din kropp – med en mikrorobot

TED: Hur du skulle kunna se inuti din kropp – med en mikrorobot

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

Would you swallow a micro-robot? In a gutsy demo, physician Vivek Kumbhari navigates Pillbot, a wireless, disposable robot swallowed onstage by engineer Alex Luebke, modeling how this technology can swiftly provide direct visualization of internal organs.

Learn more about how micro-robots could move us past the age of invasive endoscopies and open up doors to more comfortable, affordable medical imaging. (This talk contains medical imagery.)

TED: Här är de goda nyheterna som du kanske har missat

TED: Här är de goda nyheterna som du kanske har missat

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

selective focus photography of black microphoneWhether or not you believe the world is doomed might depend on where you get your news, says journalist Angus Hervey. He delivers stories of progress that mainstream media organizations missed last year — from advances in clean energy to declining rates of extreme poverty, crime and disease — and suggests we should pay more attention to such occurrences.

“If we want more people to devote themselves to the task of making progress, then maybe we should be telling more people that it’s possible to make progress,” says Hervey. (Visuals designed by Jamie Macdonald and Kirsten Downie)