TED: Du vet inte vad ditt framtida jag vill

TED: Du vet inte vad ditt framtida jag vill

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

”You are constantly becoming a new person,” says journalist Shankar Vendantam. In a talk full of beautiful storytelling, he explains the profound impact of something he calls the ”illusion of continuity” — the belief that our future selves will share the same views, perspectives and hopes as our current selves — and shows how we can more proactively craft the people we are to become.

TED: Så driver webbvideo driver global innovation

TED: Så driver webbvideo driver global innovation

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

TED’s Chris Anderson says the rise of web video is driving a worldwide phenomenon he calls Crowd Accelerated Innovation — a self-fueling cycle of learning that could be as significant as the invention of print. But to tap into its power, organizations will need to embrace radical openness. And for TED, it means the dawn of a whole new chapter …


TED: Du vet inte vad ditt framtida jag vill

TED: Våga att vara oense

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

Most people instinctively avoid conflict, but as Margaret Heffernan shows us, good disagreement is central to progress. She illustrates (sometimes counterintuitively) how the best partners aren’t echo chambers — and how great research teams, relationships and businesses allow people to deeply disagree.

TED: Du vet inte vad ditt framtida jag vill

TED: Anthony Fauci – är pandemin verkligen över?

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

”Be spreaders of facts and truths,” says scientist and immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci. Having advised seven US presidents on various disease outbreaks including COVID-19, he shares insights on the present and future of pandemics, backed up by decades of experience in public health.

Hear him dive into the latest on protecting yourself from the virus, his unwavering faith in science, what he plans to do after retiring (or ”rewiring”) — and soak up some hard-won wisdom for the next generation. (This conversation, hosted by TED science curator David Biello, was part of an exclusive TED Membership event on September 20, 2022. Visit ted.com/membership to become a TED Member.)

TED: Så driver webbvideo driver global innovation

TED: Det vi måste göra för att stoppa massövervakningen

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

Mass surveillance is worse than you think, but the solutions are simpler than you realize, says lawyer, technologist and TED Fellow Albert Fox Cahn. Breaking down the crude tactics law enforcement uses to sweep up massive amounts of data collected about us by our everyday tech, he lays out how new legal firewalls can protect the public from geofence warrants and other surveillance abuses — and how we might end the looming dystopia of mass surveillance.

TED: Så driver webbvideo driver global innovation

TED: Dina fingeravtryck avslöjar mer än du tror

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

Our fingerprints are what make us unique — but they’re also home to a world of information hidden in molecules that reveal our actions, lifestyles and routines. In this riveting talk, chemist Simona Francese shows how she studies these microscopic traces using mass spectrometry, a technology that analyzes fingerprints in previously impossible detail, and demonstrates how this cutting-edge forensic science can help police catch criminals. (Note: This talk contains descriptions of sexual violence.)