TED: Var misstänksam mot enkla historier

TED: Dina kreativa superkrafter kan hjälpa till att skydda demokratin

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”Democracy is more fun and inviting when you take it into your own hands,” says creator and activist Sofia Ongele.

Sharing how she’s using coding and social media to defend democracy, Ongele invites us to identify our own creative superpowers — whether it’s community organizing, making music or telling stories — and use them to cause a ruckus and bring movements to life.

TED: Var misstänksam mot enkla historier

TED: Hur falska handväskor och märkesvaror finansierar grov brottslighet

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What’s the harm in buying a knock-off purse or a fake designer watch? According to counterfeit investigator Alastair Gray, fakes like these fund terrorism and organized crime.

Learn more about the trillion-dollar underground economy of counterfeiting — from the criminal organizations that run it to the child labor they use to produce its goods — as well as measures you can take to help stop it. ”Let’s shine a light on the dark forces of counterfeiting that are hiding in plain sight,” Gray says.

TED: Var misstänksam mot enkla historier

TED: Tänk om reklam var ärlig?

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After years of brand building, marketing veteran Sylvester Chauke realized that his industry had sold the world on overconsumption, with devastating consequences.

He shares how marketers could instead promote sustainability with ”honest ads” that do right by the planet and encourage people to think twice before buying.

TED: Vem äger det framtida Internet?

TED: Vem äger det framtida Internet?

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The emergence of data-driven mass surveillance ”is threatening to turn privacy into a relic of the 20th century,” says the anonymous YouTube creator known as Ordinary Things.

Meanwhile, state-funded troll farms are spreading disinformation and curating chaos on platforms meant to connect us and revolutionize the way we live. Ordinary Things gives an enlightening account of the internet’s strengths and weaknesses, warning that the fight for a free internet is a fight for our collective future.