Apple lanserar tillägg för att hantera lösenord i webbläsaren Firefox

Apple lanserar tillägg för att hantera lösenord i webbläsaren Firefox

Apple har lanserat ett tillägg till nya Passwords/Lösenord som gör det möjligt att koppla webbläsaren Firefox direkt till Apples egen lösning för att hantera lösenord och kontouppgifter.

Apple har byggt ut funktionerna och hanteringen av kontouppgifter, namn och lösenord, i sina olika operativsystem och nu senast så lyftes hela hanteringen ut i ett eget program – Passwords/Lösenord.

Nu har Apple lagt till stöd för webbläsaren Firefox – som använder macOS.Tillägget stöder synkronisering och automatisk ifyllning av lösenord i macOS Sonoma och macOS Sequoia.

Äldre versioner av macOS stöds inte (just nu) För närvarande stöder tillägget inte äldre versioner av macOS eller versioner av Firefox för Windows eller Linux.

Europol tar ned stor kriminellt nätverk med falska webbplatser

Europol tar ned stor kriminellt nätverk med falska webbplatser

Europol i samarbete med bland annat tysk polis har slagit till mot ett sofistikerat kriminellt nätverk som har byggt upp ett nätverk av falska webbplatser. Över 50 servrar har tagits i beslag tillsammans med drygt 200 TB data som visar på en omfattande verksamhet.

Tillslaget har gjorts av Hannovers polisavdelning (Polizeidirektion Hannover) och letts av Verdens åklagarmyndighet (Staatsanwaltschaft Verden) i Tyskland med stöd av brottsbekämpande myndigheter över hela Europa.


Två män har gripits misstänkta för att vara ansvariga och administratörer av hela den tekniska plattformen. Utredningen inleddes hösten 2022 efter rapporter om telefonsamtal där bedragare utgett sig för att vara bankanställda som försökt lura offren till falska hemsidor där offren ombetts att ange kontouppgifter till sina bankkonton.

Utredarna har även hittat ett nätverk av falska onlinebutiker som använts för att lura konsumenter att ange betalningsinformation, en metod som vanligtvis kallas nätfiske. De stulna referenserna såldes sedan via marknadsplatsen, vilket genererade betydande vinster för dess operatörer.

Polisen har beslagtagit över 50 servrar och säkrat mer än 200 terabyte digitala bevis.


Misstänkt gripen för intrång i amerikanska teleoperatörers system

Misstänkt gripen för intrång i amerikanska teleoperatörers system

En 19-årig man har gripits misstänkt för att ,inga bakom flera intrång i stora amerikanska bolags datorsystem, bland annat två teleoperatörers datorer.

Den amerikanska federala polisen FBI har gripit en 19-årig tonåring som anses vara kopplad till det ökända cyberbrottsgänget Scattered Spider som nu åtalas för intrång i en amerikansk finansinstitution och två icke namngivna telekommunikationsföretag.

19-åringen, även känd på nätet som ”remi” tog sig in i företagens datorsystem med stulna inloggningsuppgifter som han kommit över med genom att utge sig för att tillhöra bolagen som anställd. Mannen ska bland annat ha lyckats att dupera flera av bolagens supportavdelningar att lämna ut kontoinformation.

I utredningen finns också misstankar om att 19-åringen tillsammans med andra riktat ett omfattande nätfiske mot anställda inom de aktuella bolagen. Enligt FBI så har 149 anställda i ett av bolagen varit måltavlor i en nätfiskekampanj som inleddes slutet av oktober 2023 och som pågick en dryg månad där anställda fick ta emot länkar som gick till falska webbplatser som, imiterade riktiga webbplatser som ingår i bolagens datorsystem.

Den nu gripne anses inte ingå i den utredning som just nu bedrivs där kinesiska hackare har tagit sig in flera amerikanska teleoperatörers system, ett pågående intrång.

Bleeping Computer

Apple släpper RC-versioner av sina operativsystem inför lanseringen den 8 december

Apple släpper RC-versioner av sina operativsystem inför lanseringen den 8 december

Det börjar att dra ihop sig för nya versioner, buggfixar och framför allt en serie nya AI-funktioner i Apples olika operativsystem. På torsdagen släpptes det som kallas RC-versioner, release candidates, till utvecklare.

Apple har för ovanlighetens skull bekräftat och berättat på förhand att den 8 december kommer de nya versionerna. Nedan hittar du anteckningarna som följer med de nya versioner med information om nya funktioner – på engelska.


Apple Intelligence (iPad with M1 and later)

Image Playground
• A new app that lets you use concepts, descriptions, and people from your photo library to create fun, playful images in multiple styles
• Quick previews are created for you to swipe through and choose from as you add concepts to your playground
• Swipe through previews and choose from as you add concepts to your playground
• Choose from animation and illustration styles when creating your image
• Create images in Messages and Freeform, as well as third party apps

• Genmoji allows you to create a custom emoji right in the keyboard
• Genmoji are synced in your sticker drawer across all your devices with iCloud

ChatGPT support
• ChatGPT from OpenAI can be accessed right from Siri or Writing Tools
• Compose in Writing Tools allows you to create something from scratch with ChatGPT
• Siri can tap into ChatGPT when relevant to provide you an answer
• A ChatGPT account is not required and your requests will be anonymous and won’t be used to train OpenAI’s models
• Sign in with ChatGPT to access your account benefits, and requests will be covered by OpenAI’s data policies
● Image Wand turns sketches and handwritten or typed notes into images in Notes
● Describe your change in Writing Tools allows you to suggest how you’d like something rewritten, for example as a poem


• Video viewing improvements, including the ability to scrub frame-by-frame and a setting to turn off auto-looping video playback
• Improvements when navigating Collections views, including the ability to swipe right to go back to the previous view
• Recently Viewed and Recently Shared album history can be cleared
• Favorites album appears in the Utilities collection in addition to Pinned Collections


• New background images to customize your Safari Start Page
• Import and Export enables you to export your browsing data from Safari and import browsing data from another app into Safari
• HTTPS Priority upgrades URLs to HTTPS whenever possible
• File Download Live Activity shows the progress of a file download in the dynamic island and on your home screen

This update also includes the following improvements:
• Share Item Location in Find My helps you locate and recover misplaced items by easily and securely sharing the location of an AirTag or Find My network accessory with trusted third parties, such as airlines
• Natural language search in Apple Music and Apple TV app lets you describe what you’re looking for using any combination of categories like genres, moods, actors, decades, and more
• Favorite Categories in Podcasts allows you to choose your favorite categories and get relevant show recommendations that you can easily access in your Library
• Personalized Search page in Podcasts highlights the most relevant categories and editorially curated collections tailored to you
• Sudoku for News+ Puzzles provided in three difficulty levels and available for News+ subscribers
• Support for the Hearing Test feature on AirPods Pro 2 in France, Italy, Spain, and United Kingdom
• Support for the Hearing Aid feature on AirPods Pro 2 in United Arab Emirates
• Pre-market price quotes in Stocks lets you track NASDAQ and NYSE tickers prior to market open
• Fixes an issue where recently captured photos do not appear immediately in the All Photos grid

Some features may not be available for all regions or on all Apple devices. For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website:

Apple Intelligence (All iPhone 16 models, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max)

Image Playground
• A new app that lets you use concepts, descriptions, and people from your photo library to create fun, playful images in multiple styles
• Swipe through previews and choose from as you add concepts to your playground
• Choose from animation and illustration styles when creating your image
• Create images in Messages and Freeform, as well as third party apps
• Images are synced in your Image Playground library across all your devices with iCloud

• Genmoji allows you to create a custom emoji right from the keyboard
• Genmoji are synced in your sticker drawer across all your devices with iCloud

ChatGPT support
• ChatGPT from OpenAI can be accessed right from Siri or Writing Tools
• Compose in Writing Tools allows you to create something from scratch with ChatGPT
• Siri can tap into ChatGPT when relevant to provide you an answer
• A ChatGPT account is not required and your requests will be anonymous and won’t be used to train OpenAI’s models
• Sign in with ChatGPT to access your account benefits, and requests will be covered by OpenAI’s data policies
● Image Wand turns sketches and handwritten or typed notes into images in Notes
● Describe your change in Writing Tools allows you to suggest how you’d like something rewritten, for example as a poem

Camera Control (iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max)

● Visual Intelligence with Camera Control helps you instantly learn about places or interact with information simply by pointing your iPhone at the object, with the option to tap into Google Search or ChatGPT
● Camera Control two-stage shutter lets you lock focus and exposure in Camera when light pressing the Camera Control

• Mail Categorization sorts your messages to help you prioritize the most important messages
• Digest view groups all of the messages from one sender into a single bundle for easy browsing

• Video viewing improvements, including the ability to scrub frame-by-frame and a setting to turn off auto-looping video playback
• Improvements when navigating Collections views, including the ability to swipe right to go back to the previous view
• Recently Viewed and Recently Shared album history can be cleared
• Favorites album appears in the Utilities collection in addition to Pinned Collections

• New background images to customize your Safari Start Page
• Import and Export enables you to export your browsing data from Safari and import browsing data from another app into Safari
• HTTPS Priority upgrades URLs to HTTPS whenever possible
• File Download Live Activity shows the progress of a file download in the Dynamic Island and on your home screen

This update also includes the following improvements and bug fixes:
• Voice Memos supports layered recording, letting you add vocals over an existing song idea without the need for headphones — then import your two-track projects directly into Logic Pro (iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max)
• Share Item Location in Find My helps you locate and recover misplaced items by easily and securely sharing the location of an AirTag or Find My network accessory with trusted third parties, such as airlines
• Natural language search in Apple Music and Apple TV app lets you describe what you’re looking for using any combination of categories like genres, moods, actors, decades, and more
• Favorite Categories in Podcasts allows you to choose your favorite categories and get relevant show recommendations that you can easily access in your Library
• Personalized Search page in Podcasts highlights the most relevant categories and editorially curated collections tailored to you
• Sudoku for News+ Puzzles provided in three difficulty levels and available for News+ subscribers
• Support for the Hearing Test feature on AirPods Pro 2 in Cyprus, Czechia, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Romania, Spain, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom
• Support for the Hearing Aid feature on AirPods Pro 2 in United Arab Emirates
• Pre-market price quotes in Stocks lets you track NASDAQ and NYSE tickers prior to market open
• Fixes an issue where recently captured photos do not appear immediately in the All Photos grid
• Fixes an issue where Night mode photos in Camera could appear degraded when capturing long exposures (iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max)

Some features may not be available for all regions or on all Apple devices. For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website:

These are the full release notes for macOS Sequoia 15.2 for Mac.

macOS Sequoia introduces new features to help you be more productive and creative on Mac. With the latest Continuity feature, iPhone Mirroring, you can access your entire iPhone on Mac. It’s easy to tile windows to quickly create your ideal workspace, and you can even see what you’re about to share while presenting with Presenter preview. A big update to Safari features Distraction Control, Highlights, and a redesigned Reader, making it easy to get things done while you browse the web. macOS Sequoia also brings text effects and emoji Tapbacks to Messages, Math Notes to Calculator, the ability to plan a hike in Maps, and so much more.

iPhone Mirroring

• iPhone Mirroring lets you access and control your iPhone on Mac, giving you a convenient way to browse your Home Screen, launch iPhone apps, and interact with them on Mac
• Keyboard and trackpad support enables you to type and use Multi-Touch gestures to swipe through apps on your Home Screen, pinch to zoom, and scroll in apps
• iPhone Notifications on Mac allow you to view and take action on notifications from iPhone right on your Mac

Easier window tiling

• Tiled window enhancements make it easier to arrange windows by dragging them to the screen’s edge to place them side-by-side or in corners on your desktop
• Keyboard and menu shortcuts can be used to arrange windows into tiled positions even faster
• Distraction Control helps you hide items on a webpage that you find disruptive to your browsing
• Highlights surface key information from the webpage you’re visiting with summaries, locations, and more
• Redesigned Reader offers even more ways to enjoy articles with a streamlined view of the article you’re reading, a summary, and a table of contents for longer articles
• Viewer lets you watch videos without distractions, and automatically moves videos into Picture-in-Picture when you click away from the page
• Passwords app lets you see all your credentials for websites and apps in one place, making it even easier to access your passwords, passkeys, Wi-Fi passwords, and verification codes
• Verification codes can be set up right in Passwords so you can easily copy them or autofill them into Safari without even having to open the app
• Secure syncing ensures your accounts saved in Passwords sync seamlessly with iCloud with end-to-end encryption so you can access them on your other devices
• Windows support through the iCloud Passwords app so you can access your passwords on Windows devices

Video Conferencing

• Presenter preview lets you preview your screen before sharing it in video calls
• Play preview gives you a preview of where your content and presenter notes will be when you click Play in Keynote
• Background replacement allows you to upload your own photo or choose from several built-in options to use as your video call background
• Text effects bring your conversations to life by visually amplifying any letter, word, phrase, or emoji in iMessage with dynamic, animated effects like explode, ripple, and nod
• Text formatting lets you add bold, underline, italics, and strikethrough to any letter, word, or phrase in iMessage
• Emoji and sticker Tapbacks let you react to a message using any emoji or sticker, giving you access to the Tapbacks you and your friends send the most with just a swipe
• Send Later lets you compose a message now and schedule it to send later
• Topographic maps display features like trails, contour lines, elevation, and points of interest
• Hikes are available across all U.S. national parks and can be saved to your device to access while offline
• Custom walking and hiking routes can be created for hikes in the park, regular exercise routines in your neighborhood, walking tours while on vacation, and more
• Places Library combines all your saved places, guides, and hiking routes into one location for easy access


• Audio recordings can be started right from inside a note, and kept with related comments, checklists, and documents
• Live transcriptions show as you record audio, and transcripts are fully searchable so you can always find what you need
• Math in Notes let you enter expressions in your note to have them solve instantly
• Collapsible sections help you simplify and hide text in long notes; just click next to a section header to lighten up your most text-heavy notes
• Highlight text in your note with a choice of five colors allows you to make your text standout
• Collections automatically organize your library by helpful topics in the sidebar, like Days, Trips, People & Pets, and Featured Photos
• Groups in People & Pets include photos of your favorite people or pets who frequently appear together
• Video speed control lets you slow down high frame rate video content with in and out points
• Utilities includes additional helpful collections like Documents, Receipts, and more, and items you’ve recently edited, viewed, and shared
• Recovered album in Utilities surfaces images that are on your device but were not previously visible due to database corruption in a locked album

Apple TV app

• Subtitles automatically appear at just the right times, like when the content language doesn’t match your device language, when you mute the audio, or when you skip back while watching a program
• Hands-free Siri Interactions let you respond to Siri announcements with AirPods by simply nodding your head ’yes’ or shaking your head ’no’
• Voice Isolation on AirPods Pro provides clearer call quality for those you are speaking with, even in windy conditions or places with loud background noise
• Personalized Spatial Audio for gaming with AirPods puts you in the middle of the action with sound that surrounds you combined with a new API for developers that makes it easier than ever to enable

This release also includes other features and improvements:
• Updated basic and scientific calculators in Calculator app can now solve expressions, convert units, and access a history of past calculations
• Reminders in Calendar lets you create, view, edit and complete reminders alongside your meetings and appointments
• Recently Deleted list in Reminders lets you view and retrieve deleted reminders
• Scenes in Freeform allow you to organize your content into sections, then save, label and order them as you like
• Feels Like temperature in Weather app is displayed prominently near the actual temperature when they differ significantly
• Guest access in Home app lets you provide visitors with date and time- based access to locks, garage doors, and alarm systems
• Electricity usage and rate plan information in Home app are displayed for eligible customers when connecting their utility account, starting with Pacific Gas and Electric Company in California
• Accessibility Vocal Shortcuts help people with severe atypical speech record custom utterances that trigger specific actions on Mac

Some features may not be available for all regions or on all Apple devices.
For more information, please visit this website:
For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website:

Fem tidigare Apple-anställda lurade till sig drygt 1.6 miljoner kronor

Fem tidigare Apple-anställda lurade till sig drygt 1.6 miljoner kronor

traffic signs, attention, a notice

Fem före detta anställda inom Apple lyckades lura till sig 152 000 dollar, drygt 1.6 miljoner svenska kronor, från Apple i ett donationsbedrägeri.

Apple som företag matchar ofta de pengar som anställda samlat in till olika ändamål – Apple skänker lika mycket som de anställda har skänkt. De sex tidigare anställda hittade ett hål i systemet som gjorde att de kunde tillgodogöra sig det Apple skänkte och även plocka tillbaka och behålla sina egna pengar. Den sjätte personen hade kontroll över de organisationer som pengarna först skickades till.

De sex åtalas även för skattebrott då de gjort avdrag för sina donationer.

Enligt en rapport från CBS som bygger på uppgifter från polisen, The County of Santa Clara, lurade de sex personerna delstaten Kalifornien och Apples Matching Gifts Program.

FBI gör helt om – råder användare att använda krypterade appar

FBI gör helt om – råder användare att använda krypterade appar

Under flera år så har FBI fört ett verbalt krig mot kryptering, hävdat att krypterade appar försvårar utredningar, skyddar terrorister och grova brottslingar. Nu gör FBI en helomvändning och råder användare att använda krypterade appar som skydd mot kinesiska hackare.

Just nu är amerikanska teleoperatörer utsatta för en attack utifrån som tros vara från kinesiska statliga hackare.

Kina hackade amerikanska operatörer via myndigheternas bakdörr

FBI har nu gått ut med rekommendationer och de går styck i stäv med tidigare uttallanden:

I samtalet på tisdagen rekommenderade två tjänstemän – en hög FBI-tjänsteman som bad att inte bli namngiven och Jeff Greene, verkställande biträdande direktör för cybersäkerhet vid Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency – båda att använda krypterade meddelandeappar till amerikaner som vill minimera chanserna att Kina avlyssnar deras kommunikation.

NBC News

– Vårt förslag, det vi har sagt internt, är inte nytt här: Kryptering är din vän, oavsett om det är på textmeddelanden eller om du har kapacitet att använda krypterad röstkommunikation. Även om motståndaren kan fånga upp data, om den är krypterad, kommer det att göra det omöjligt att ta del av informationen, säger FBI:s Jeff Greene.

I råden ingår bland annat att amerikanska användare ska använda (wait for it) iMessages och FaceTime.