Lästipset: Så får en konspirationsteori näring och fart

Lästipset: Så får en konspirationsteori näring och fart

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Det började som ett svar på en fråga på Reddit. Sedan slutade det med att Bill Gates anklagas för att ha skapat Corona-pandemin för att kunna injicera mikro-chip i de som vill vaccinera sig.

Bill Gates driver en stiftelse tillsammans med sin fru. Denna stiftelse finansierar en lång rad forskningsprojekt och skänkte nyligen ett betydande belopp till Världshälso-organisationen WHO efter det att Donald Trump beslutat att hålla inne de medel som USA bidrar med.

För ett tag sedan så deltog Bill Gates på en frågestund på det stora digitala forumet Reddit. Gates svarade på användarnas frågor vilket han gjort flera gånger tidigare.  Detta är historien hur ett av hans svar utvecklades till en märklig konspirationsteori där Gates utpekas som ansvarig för Corona-pandemin. Där grunden ska vara att Gates vill injicera mikrochip i folk för att kunna spåra dem.


Lästipset: Så får en konspirationsteori näring och fart

Lästipset: Trump missade sex veckor innan han reagerade och agerade

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Brittiska The Guardian har granskat hur Vita Huset och Donald Trump har hanterat Coronapandemin. Slutsatsen är förödande – Donald Trump valde att inte agera under sex veckor under vilka viruset spreds i landet.

The missing six weeks: how Trump failed the biggest test of his life

Donald Trump arrives to speak the daily coronavirus briefing at the White House last Saturday. Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images The president was aware of the danger from the coronavirus – but a lack of leadership has created an emergency of epic proportions

hen the definitive history of the coronavirus pandemic is written, the date 20 January 2020 is certain to feature prominently. It was on that day that a 35-year-old man in Washington state, recently returned from visiting family in Wuhan in China, became the first person in the US to be diagnosed with the virus.

On the very same day, 5,000 miles away in Asia, the first confirmed case of Covid-19 was reported in South Korea. The confluence was striking, but there the similarities ended.

In the two months since that fateful day, the responses to coronavirus displayed by the US and South Korea have been polar opposites.

The Guardian

Lästipset: New York Times i Italien – ‘We Take the Dead From Morning Till Night’

Lästipset: New York Times i Italien – ‘We Take the Dead From Morning Till Night’

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No country has been hit harder by the coronavirus than Italy, and no province has suffered as many losses as Bergamo. Photos and voices from there evoke a portrait of despair.

There have been 8,165 deaths in Italy, more than China and Spain combined, many times more than the United States.

Once known as a quiet and wealthy province, Bergamo is now a place where Red Cross workers go door to door, carrying away the afflicted, like Claudio Travelli.

Where patients line hospital corridors, exhausting and infecting doctors and nurses.

The streets of Bergamo are empty. As in all of Italy, people can leave their homes only for food and medicines and work. The factories and shops and schools are closed. There is no more chatting on the corners or in the coffee bars.

But what won’t stop are the sirens.

While the world’s attention now shifts to its own centers of contagion, the sirens keep sounding. Like the air raid sirens of the Second World War, they are the ambulance sirens that many survivors of this war will remember. They blare louder as they get closer, coming to collect the parents and grandparents, the keepers of Italy’s memory.

Källa: ‘We Take the Dead From Morning Till Night’

Lästipset: Nintendolife recenserar Animal Crossing

Lästipset: Nintendolife recenserar Animal Crossing

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Animal Crossing är nästa stora, förväntade spelsucce´för Nintendo Switch. Nintnedolife har spelat och recenserat.

Spelet finns tillgängligt i Nintendos eShop och hos spelhandlare.

Back when – what feels like forever ago – we found out that a new Animal Crossing game would be coming to Switch, we were told basically diddly squat about the whole thing, but excitement ensued nonetheless. As time went by and we learnt more and more about it, the hype reached ever higher rungs on the big ladder of development, only hindered slightly by a delay of an undisclosed number of months. Previews came and went, and frankly, we weren’t certain such an intolerable fever could happen over a game without ‘Mario’ or ‘Zelda’ in the title, but here we are; with expectations verging on the impossible and justifiable impatience about to become legal tender, can the proverbial skills of Animal Crossing: New Horizons pay the bills?

Much like every other Animal Crossing game, you arrive fresh-faced in a town that’s seen better days. Unlike every other Animal Crossing game, the town isn’t really there yet, and it’s basically all down to you to fund a tycoon racoon’s mad obsession with Bells, and maybe make your island into a town in the process. This time you’re also able to actually choose how your character looks, rather than being asked a series of seemingly arbitrary questions by a cat of no fixed abode in order to determine your genetic makeup. You’re also under no obligation to keep the face you’ve chosen, and every single choice you make when crafting your character – from your hair colour right down to rosy cheeks – is immediately rectifiable with any sort of mirror or vanity you can get your globular hands on. It seems basic by modern standards, but credit where credit’s due and all that.

Nintendo Life

Lästipset: Så får en konspirationsteori näring och fart

Lästipset: Här är platsen där Internet inte finns

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Välkommen till platsen där det inte finns något internet, inget mobilnät – en plats utan nät.

Viral dance memes and dance challenges on TikTok largely bypass Green Bank, W.Va. So do viral sensations like augmented reality filters on Snapchat and Instagram.

And when a Facebook fad had people all over the globe dumping ice water on their heads a few summers ago, Charity Warder, now a senior at Pocahontas County High School, was late to the game.

Sure, Charity has an iPhone, but she uses it mostly as a clock and a calculator. She makes phone calls from a landline, and she rarely texts her friends. Texting and driving? “It’s not a thing here,” she said.

When Charity wants to get online at home, she sits at her family’s desktop computer, which has a broadband connection that is so sluggish, it takes minutes to load a YouTube video.

New York Times

Lästipset: Så får en konspirationsteori näring och fart

Lästipset: Lauren Powell Jobs ger en av mycket få intervjuer – läs den

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Lauren Powell Jobs är återfinns på plats nummer 35 över världens rikaste människor. Sedan Steve Jobs bortgång så har hon hållit sig undan publika framträdanden men på senare år så har han förvärvat andelar i flera tidningar och andra medier.

I en exklusiv intervju med New York Times berättar Lauren Powell Jobs om sin syn på klimatförändringar, medier, den amerikanska demokratin ich det jot hon anser att Donald Trump utgör.

Before I could interview Laurene Powell Jobs, she wanted to interview me.

It was an unusual request, but not a particularly surprising one coming from Ms. Powell Jobs. Nearly a decade after the death of her husband, the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, she remains an intensely private person.

When Mr. Jobs was alive, Ms. Powell Jobs stayed out of the public eye. She ran a natural food company, worked on education and immigration reform, and cared for their family. And while Ms. Powell Jobs has in recent years become increasingly ambitious with her business and philanthropy, she keeps a low profile, granting relatively few interviews and eschewing the spotlight. If she was going to agree to a sit-down, she wanted some sense of who would be asking the questions.

New York Times