Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

If your web browser was recording audio and video of you without any indication it was doing so, would you consider that invasion of privacy a security issue? Chrome doesn’t.After AOL web developer Ran Bar-Zik discovered that a website can record audio and video without the red recording light appearing on the Chrome tab, he reported the bug. But since users are the crux of the problem, Google doesn’t classify it as a security flaw. That’s because before any audio or video recordings, a user has to give a site permission before it can access a user’s webcam or microphone.  Yet Bar-Zik believes people will not be fully aware of what they are clicking on when granting permissions. The bug could be weaponized and “real attacks will not be very obvious,” he told Bleeping Computer.

Källa: Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

Blame game for cyber attacks grows murkier as spying, crime tools mix | Reuters

Veteran espionage researcher Jon DiMaggio was hot on the trail three months ago of what on the face of it looked like a menacing new industrial espionage attack by Russian cyber spies.All the hallmarks were there: targeted phishing emails common to government espionage, an advanced Trojan horse for stealing data from inside organizations, covert communication channels for grabbing documents and clues in the programming code indicating its authors were Russian speakers.It took weeks before the lead cyber spying investigator at Symantec, a top U.S. computer security firm, figured out instead he was tracking a lone-wolf cyber criminal.DiMaggio won’t identify the name of the culprit, whom he has nicknamed Igor, saying the case is a run-of-the-mill example of increasing difficulties in separating national spy agency activity from cyber crime. The hacker comes from Transdniestria, a disputed, Russian-speaking region of Moldova, he said.

Källa: Blame game for cyber attacks grows murkier as spying, crime tools mix | Reuters

Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

DHS: No European laptop ban for now – POLITICO

The U.S. opted Tuesday not to ban laptops from the cabins of planes flying to the United States from Europe — although the Trump administration later said such a move remains ”on the table” as it examines intelligence about terrorist threats.European sources said the matter appeared closed for now after weeks of back-and-forth negotiations and panicked responses from airlines.“No ban,” a European Commission official said after a conference call Tuesday between U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and two of his European counterparts. “Both sides have agreed to intensify technical talks and try to find a common solution.”In a statement, DHS said Kelly and the Europeans agreed ”on the need to raise the bar for aviation security globally, including through a range of potential seen and unseen enhancements.” It added: ”Secretary Kelly affirmed he will implement any and all measures necessary to secure commercial aircraft flying to the United States — including prohibiting large electronic devices from the passenger cabin — if the intelligence and threat level warrant it.”

Källa: DHS: No European laptop ban for now – POLITICO

Trump lämnar ut sitt mobilnummer direkt till ledare | SVT Nyheter

Trump lämnar ut sitt mobilnummer direkt till ledare | SVT Nyheter

Trump lämnar ut sitt mobilnummer direkt till ledare | SVT Nyheter

Trump lämnar ut sitt mobilnummer direkt till ledare | SVT Nyheter

USA:s president Donald Trump har lämnat ut sitt mobilnummer till andra länders ledare och uppmanat dem att ringa honom direkt.Gesten bryter mot det diplomatiska protokollet och väcker oro över säkerheten kring hans kommunikation.Mexikos ledare har fått mobilnumret, uppger källor. Kanadas premiärminister Justin Trudeau ska ha använt sig av numret och Trump ska även ha bytt nummer med Frankrikes nye president Emmanuel Macron, enligt en fransk källa, skriver LA Times.Även om Trump använder sin jobbmobil riskerar hans samtal att avlyssnas av andra regeringar, enligt säkerhetsexperter.– Om du är Macron eller ledare för vilket land som helst och du får mobilnumret till USA:s president, är det rimligt att anta att det lämnas över till landets säkerhetstjänst, säger Ashley Deeks, juridikprofessor vid University of Virginia, till tidningen.

Källa: Trump lämnar ut sitt mobilnummer direkt till ledare | SVT Nyheter

Chrome bug that lets sites secretly record audio and video is not a flaw Google says | Computerworld

Cyberattack on UK political party ’only a matter of time’ | Technology | The Guardian

Cyberattack on UK political party'only a matter of time' | Technology | The Guardian

Cyberattack on UK political party ’only a matter of time’ | Technology | The Guardian

A British political party will be the victim of a hack similar to those suffered by the Clinton and Macron presidential campaigns, a leading security researcher has warned.James Norton, a former official at the US Department of Homeland Security and head of the security consultancy Play-Action Strategies, said: “It wouldn’t surprise me if there’s already been some emails stolen … it would surprise me if it didn’t happen.”It was a matter of when, not if, a hack would take place, he said. “Campaigns are a treasure trove, especially newer campaigns where you’re trying to understand the dynamics … I would think they would be targets, if they’re not already, in terms of trying to understand what their politics would be. Even Theresa May is largely an unknown.”Guardian Today: the headlines, the analysis, the debate – sent direct to you Read moreThe EU’s head of information security has previously advised that the risk of hacking attacks greatly increases following the dissolution of parliament. Dr Udo Helmbrecht cautioned candidates that any one of the thousands of political campaigns active over the election period could serve as a bulkhead from whoch to penetrate deeper into party machinery.

Källa: Cyberattack on UK political party ’only a matter of time’ | Technology | The Guardian

Ny våg av försök till Bank-id-kapningar | SVT Nyheter

Ny våg av försök till Bank-id-kapningar | SVT Nyheter

Ny våg av försök till Bank-id-kapningar | SVT Nyheter

Ny våg av försök till Bank-id-kapningar | SVT Nyheter

Ännu en våg av försök till Bank-id-kapningar slår mot svenska abonnenter. Enligt polisen kan tusentals ha klickat på den länk bedragarna skickar ut i sms eller mejl med intentionen att lura till sig känsliga konto- och personuppgifter. – Jag fick en konstig känsla i magen, säger Anna Forsell, en av dem som mottagit sms:en.Det var måndag vid 15-tiden som det plingade till i Anna Forsells mobiltelefon. Sms:et kom från ett konstigt nummer, stilrent designat med den enkla uppmaningen ”Verifiera din identitet”, följt av en länk.– Min första tanke var kanske att jag skulle klicka på länken, det kändes som att sms:et skulle kunna vara från Bank-id, säger Anna Forsell, och fortsätter:–  Men man har ju hört om identitetskapningar, det har varit mycket sådant på tapeten senaste tiden.Några minuter senare kom ett likadant sms, fast från ett annat avsändarnummer, vilket gjorde henne mer misstänksam.

Källa: Ny våg av försök till Bank-id-kapningar | SVT Nyheter