Seth Rogen’s new Hollywood satire inspired by ‘The Office’

av | mar 24, 2025 | Bluesky, Mastodon, Notiser, Threads

Seth Rogen‘s new Hollywood satire series The Studio was inspired by The Office, it has been revealed.

The show, which premieres this week on Apple TV+, sees the actor play an executive called Matt Remick, who is promoted to be the head of the fictional Continental Studios as the film industry undergoes huge changes.

Speaking to The Guardian, Rogen explained that they used The Office as a touchstone for the show, notably the boss dynamic.

“We talked a lot about The Office, which I love, and how the boss is the most tragic figure on the show,” he said. “Just because you’re at the top of the power structure, it doesn’t mean you’re less relatable or funny.”

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