Kitty är en snabb, funktionell, GPU-baserad terminalemulator.
- Funktioner
Avlastar rendering till GPU:n för lägre systembelastning - Stöder alla moderna terminalfunktioner: grafik (bilder), unicode, true-color, OpenType-ligaturer, musprotokoll, fokusspårning, klistra med parentes och flera nya terminalprotokolltillägg
- Stöder plattsättning av flera terminalfönster sida vid sida i olika layouter utan att behöva använda ett extra program som tmux
- Kan styras från skript eller skalprompten, även över SSH
- Stöder startsessioner som låter dig specificera fönster/fliklayout, arbetskataloger och program som ska köras vid start
- Cross-platform: kitty fungerar på Linux och macOS, men eftersom den bara använder OpenGL för rendering borde det vara trivialt att porta till andra Unix-liknande plattformar
- Låter dig öppna rullningsbufferten i ett separat fönster med hjälp av godtyckliga program som du väljer. Detta är användbart för att bekvämt bläddra i historiken i en personsökare eller redigerare
- Har flera kopiera/klistra in buffertar, som vim
What’s new in version 0.40.0
- Allow terminal programs to use text in different font sizes (#8226)
- When rendering underlines add gaps around text descenders (parts of the text that overlap with the underline). Controlled by the new option underline_exclusion (#8226)
- Finally fix the issue of text-width mismatches that has been plaguing the terminal ecosystem for decades by allowing terminal programs to specify how many cells to render a piece of text in (#8226)
- Behavior change: The notify_on_cmd_finish option now uses OS Window visibility instead of focus state when set to invisible on platforms that support querying OS window visibility (#8320)
- launch: Add options launch –source-window and launch –next-to to allow specifying which window is used as the data source and destination location independently of the currently active window (#8295)
- Linux: Add support for COLRv1 fonts. These are typically emoji fonts that use vector images for emoji
- Add support for the octant box-drawing characters
- Speed up rendering of box drawing characters by moving the implementation to native code
- When confirming if a window should be closed consider it active if it has running background processes (#8358)
- Remote control: kitten @ scroll-window: Allow scrolling to previous/next prompt
- macOS: Fix fallback font rendering for bold/italic text not working for some symbols that are present in the Menlo regular face but not the bold/italic faces (#8282)
- XTGETTCAP: Fix response invalid for empty string capabilities (#8304)
- ssh kitten: Fix incorrect copying of data files when using the python interpreter and also fix incorrect hard link detection (#8308)
- Fix a regression in the previous release that broke setting of nullable colors
- Fix a regression in 0.39.0 that caused a crash on invalid Unicode with a large number of combining characters in a single cell (#8318)
- Fix –hold always restoring cursor to block shape instead of respecting the value of cursor_shape (#8344)
- When dragging in rectangle select mode use a crosshair mouse cursor configurable via pointer_shape_when_dragging
- macOS: notify kitten: Fix waiting for result from desktop notification not working (#8379)
- Wayland: Fix mouse pointer position update not being sent when focus regained (:iss`8397`, #8398)
- Fix cursor blink animation when background_opacity is less than one (#8401)
- Wayland: panel kitten: Add a center mode for creating panels to ease creation of centered popups in Wayland (#8411)