CotEditor är en editor som utvecklas enligt konceptet öppen källkod och är en cocoa-baserad ren textredigerare för macOS rätt och slätt
CotEditor stöder syntaxmarkering, har en kraftfull hitta-och-ersätt med det reguljära uttryck och andra små godsaker för kodning. Den kan också hantera CJK-språk – och den är alltså helt gratis.
What’s new in version 5.1.1
New Features
- Append the nearest unique ancestor folder name to the document title if multiple documents with the same name are opened.
- The new “prevent editing” command that prevents documents from being unintentionally edited.
- Introduce the new AppleScript parameter editable to document objects.
- Introduce the –readonly (-r) option to the cot command-line tool to open documents as read-only.
- Read input from the standard input when the cot command-line tool is used with the – option.
- Display Finder tags in the document inspector and the file browser.
- Add the “text replacement” option to the Mode settings to disable the future in the editor.
- Add the PowerShell syntax.
- Just move the insertion point instead of inserting a new one when typing a quotation mark just before a quotation mark automatically inserted by the “Automatically insert closing brackets and quotes” option.
- Update the Unicode block name list.
- Show an alert and abort the import of setting files if they are not in a valid format.
- Update the JSON syntax to include the .jsonl file extension.
- Update the Fortran syntax to include the .cuf file extension.
- Update the PHP syntax.
- Declare CotEditor can handle folders.
- Improve the VoiceOver support.
- Improve the stability.
- [experimental] Improve the syntax highlighting algorithm for inline comments.
- [dev] Update Yams from 5.1.3 to 5.3.1.
- [non-AppStore ver.] Update Sparkle from 2.6.4 to 2.7.0.
- Fix an issue in the What’s New window where an unwanted beta label would appear even in stable versions.
- Fix an issue in the AppleScript support where the print command is ignored.
- Fixed an issue in CotEditor 5.0.8 where the file path argument passed to CotEditor scripts is percent-encoded.
- Fix an issue in the Appearance settings pane where the alert about potential non-monospace fonts keeps appearing even after changing only the font size.
- Fix an issue where the Settings window is not accessible from the Window menu.
- Fix an issue on macOS 15 where newly created documents are mispositioned when the frontmost document is tiled.