A collection of Apple goodies has wrapped up, with a working Apple-1 taking the top spot — and some other items also did very well.

RR Auction’s Steve Jobs and the Apple Revolution” has wrapped up, with a few items of note pulling in serious money. The auction began in late February and bids were finalized on March 20, 7.

While the auction contained over 200 Apple- and Jobs-related goods, there was one item that raked in the most amount of cash: a fully functional Apple-1 with an original manual. It brought in $375,000, which is about what RR Auction expected.

Other items of note in the auction included a Apple/Bandai Pippin EVT Prototype which sold for $4,038, and a sealed first-generation iPhone 4GB which sold for $87,514. Two checks, one of which sold for $112,054.

Källa: Functional Apple-1 pulls in $375k at recent auction

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