Chinese Companies Rush to Put DeepSeek in Everything

av | mar 12, 2025 | Bluesky, Mastodon, Notiser, Threads

What do a mobile shooting game, a nuclear power plant, and a local Chinese government office have in common? In the past two months, they have all tried incorporating DeepSeek’s R1 artificial intelligence model into their businesses in an attempt to ride the wave of the homegrown tech company’s viral rise.

Ever since the Chinese AI startup became a global sensation, DeepSeek has dominated headlines in China—but the news has almost nothing to do with DeepSeek itself. Instead, companies across nearly every industry are racing to announce that they have found a way to include DeepSeek’s open source models in their corporate strategy. Some have found genuine uses for the domestic, affordable AI model with cutting-edge capabilities, while others are merely doing it for the publicity boost or to virtue-signal their national pride.

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