Open Source, anteckningsprogram med stöd för OwnCloud/NextCloud så att du kan synka dina anteckningar mellan enheter. QOwnNotes har även stöd för direktredigering via OwnCloud/NextCloud.
QOwnNotes är gratis och programmet är ett utmärkt alternativ till andra enklare texteredigeringsprogram. Det finns förvisso ett Notes/Anteckningar inbyggt i macOS, iPadOS och iOS men söker du ett annat program så kika på QOwnNotes.
QOwnNotes is the open source (GPL) plain-text file markdown note taking application for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows by Patrizio Bekerle (pbek on GitHub and IRC), that (optionally) works together with the notes application of ownCloud or Nextcloud.
- You own your own notes! All notes are stored as plain-text files on your desktop computer.
- Sync them over devices (desktop & mobile) with your ownCloud or Nextcloud sync client.
- Use ownCloud Notes to edit your notes in the web.
You are able to write down your thoughts with QOwnNotes and edit or search for them later from your mobile device (like with CloudNotes) or the ownCloud / Nextcloud web-services.
The notes are stored as plain text files and you can sync them with your ownCloud or Nextcloud sync client. Of course other software, like Dropbox, Syncthing, Seafile or BitTorrent Sync can be used too.
What’s new in version 25.1.0
- All status messages got an emoji to make them more recognizable (for #3194)
- The performance of the internal regular expressions of the editor was improved (for #213)
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