Gratistipset: Alloy, automatisera mera

av | nov 27, 2024 | Bluesky, Mastodon, Tipset: Appar och Program

Alloy en planeringsapp och en app för att samla och hålla reda på olika händelser – och automatisera dem.

Gratis idag 27/11-2024

Alloy is all about automating your day-to-day activities. Whether you just need to launch an app or automate many repetitive and complex tasks – Alloy makes it simple and handy. So if you need to post today’s photos with added watermark to Facebook, send canned SMS to someone, save and track your parking place and time, etc. – just create corresponding actions and use them again and again.
Alloy combines the best of two worlds:
● Advanced launcher with dynamic favorites based on your habits, location and usage statistics.
● Sophisticated workflow engine, whoch allows to build actions utilizing REST Web Services, system and Cloud services, installed apps etc.
Sample actions would be:
● post today’s photos with added watermark to Facebook
● calculate tip
● send group SMS and email
● send canned SMS to someone
● save parking place and setup a reminder to leave
● find pizza on Yelp
● upload new photos to Dropbox and send links of them by email
● convert EUR to USD using Convertible
● navigate to certain location using Google Map
● etc.
You can either use ready-to-use actions from built-in Action Directory or you can build your own actions using simple yet powerful action editor. You can specify install and launch tasks, use variables and macro, use app icons and contact photos, specify whoch data is acceptable for action etc
Alloy eliminates the need to browse through several pages full of apps to find an app or action to launch – dynamic Favorites would provide you just right set of needed apps and actions based on your habits, location and usage statistics.
To show Favorites tap the Star button and tap desired action. Or long press the Star button and swipe to desired action. You can pin some actions to Favorites and fine-tune how Favorites are calculated.
You can even use Alloy Favorites right from any other apps by employing Alloy Widget. Just pull-down the Notification Center, navigate to Alloy Widget and tap to a desired action to launch it.
Any Alloy action can be launched from other apps by opening corresponding links e.g alloy://smsKate. To get a link to an action: turn ON the Edit mode, tap the Share button on the action and choose the ”Copy Link”. Two-way communication with other apps is also supported via x-callback-url.
Take some time to teach Alloy about your needs and let Alloy greatly improve your life by automating your day-to-day activities.


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Mikael Winterkvist

Fyrabarns-far, farfar, morfar och egen företagare i Skellefteå med kliande fingrar. Jag skriver om fotografering, sport, dataprylar, politik, nöje, musik och film. Vid sidan av den här bloggen så jobbar jag med med det egna företaget Familjen består av hustru, fyra barn (utflugna) och fem barnbarn.

Jag har hållit på med datorer sedan tidigt 1980-tal och drev Artic BBS innan Internet knappt existerade. Efter BBS-tiden har det blivit hemsidor, design, digitala medier och trycksaker. Under tiden som journalist jobbade jag med Mac men privat har det varit Windows som har gällt fram till vintern 2007. Då var det dags att byta och då bytte vi, företaget, helt produktionsplattform till macOS. På den vägen är det.


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