Temu, e-handelsplattformen kommer att granskas av EU-mynidgheterna. Den kinesiska webbutiken misstänks för att sälja olagliga varor och för att ha givit plats åt oseriösa handlare.
Utöver det olagliga produktanklagelsen undersöker EC också Temus potentiellt beroendeframkallande design, plattformens system som rekommenderar produkter och dataåtkomst för forskare. De påstådda överträdelserna faller under Digital Services Act (DSA), som ger EU befogenhet att ta ut böter på upp till sex procent av Temus årliga intäkter.
More specifically, the investigation will focus on the following areas:
- The systems Temu has in place to limit the sale of non-compliant products in the European Union. Among others, it concerns systems designed to limit the reappearance of previously suspended rogue traders, known to have been selling non-compliant products in the past, as well as systems to limit the reappearance of non-compliant goods.
- The risks linked to the addictive design of the service, including game-like reward programmes, and the systems Temu has in place to mitigate the risks stemming from such addictive design, which could have negative consequences to a person’s physical and mental well-being.
- The compliance with the DSA obligations linked to how Temu recommends content and products to users. This includes the requirement to disclose the main parameters used in Temu’s recommender systems and to provide users with at least one easily accessible option that is not based on profiling.
- The compliance with the DSA obligation to give researchers access to Temu’s publicly accessible data.
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