Canceled Apple Watch Ultra display upgrade plans cost this company a fortune, now it wants to be compensated

av | aug 12, 2024 | Notiser

Tid för att läsa: < 1 minut

Apple is expected to announce the Apple Watch Ultra 3 next month, but despite previous reports that Apple could bring impressive new microLED technology to its high-end smartwatch, those plans have now been canceled. And that move could cost the company compensation.

LG Display is the company responsible for the displays used in a number of Apple products including iPhones and iPads, and it was also the company that was expected to provide the microLED displays for a future Apple Watch. However, with the upgrade having been canceled LG Display has found itself out of pocket to the tune of millions of dollars, and it wants Apple to make things right.

Källa: Canceled Apple Watch Ultra display upgrade plans cost this company a fortune, now it wants to be compensated

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Mikael Winterkvist

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