Som Apples vd har han trotsat sina skeptiker och gjort om världens mest kreativa företag på sina egna krävande villkor. Nu, i ett uppriktigt samtal, ger han ny insikt om sitt ledarskap – och förklarar varför han ser sig själv som en outsider, hur han hävdar Apples värderingar och vad han gör för att inte stirra på sin iPhone hela dagen.
I. By now, nearing 9 a.m. at Apple Park, he’s long since gotten up and absorbed himself in the morning rituals of the modern CEO: email and exercise. Tim Cook takes pride in not hiding his email address, which is readily available on the search engine of your choice. In fact, Cook says, he finds the avalanche of unsolicited emails helpful. He rises at around 5 a.m. and reads through all of them. Customers tell him what they think and feel about Apple products, sometimes they tell him stories about their own lives, and this information becomes a source of inspiration. If you work for Cook, you will inevitably wake up one day, wherever you are, to find one of these emails forwarded to you.
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