Rupert Murdochs News Corp har lämnat uppgifter om en omfattande och pågående attack från vad som tros vara kinesiska, statsunderstödda hackare. Attacken har satts in mot webbplatser, e-post, dokument och olika konton. Enligt News Corp som har förövarna i flera fall lyckats att komma över information.
Uppgifterna finns i News Corps senaste kvartalsrapport:
”In January 2022, the Company discovered that one of these systems was the target of persistent cyberattack activity. Together with an outside cybersecurity firm, the Company is conducting an investigation into the circumstances of the activity to determine its nature, scope, duration and impacts. The Company’s preliminary analysis indicates that foreign government involvement may be associated with this activity, and that data was taken. To the Company’s knowledge, its systems housing customer and financial data were not affected. The Company is remediating the issue, and to date has not experienced any related interruptions to its business operations or systems. Based on its investigation to date, the Company believes the activity is contained. At this time, the Company is unable to estimate the expenses it will incur in connection with its investigation and remediation efforts.”
Attacken och intrången upptäcktes i januari i år men har inte blivit kända förrän nu.
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