Trumps nya sociala tjänst Truth Social har visat sig vara en kopia av Open Source-projektet Mastodon. Trump har kopierat all källkod, all grafik och sedan klistrat på en egen upphovsrättmarkering – i strid med licensen som gäller för Mastodon.
Det är The Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) som granskat Truth Social, kommit fram att den källkod som används är Mastodon och att den används i strid med gällande licensregler. Nu får Truth Sociala ett ultimatum – gör ’ändringar i den sociala tjänsten och efterlev licensreglerna, annars kommer Truth Social inte att få tillgång till projektet längre.
Today, we saw the Trump Media and Technology Group ignoring those important rules — which were designed for the social good. Once caught in the act, Trump’s Group scrambled and took the site down.
Early evidence strongly supports that Trump’s Group publicly launched a so-called “test site” of their “Truth Social” product, based on the AGPLv3’d Mastodon software platform. Many users were able to create accounts and use it — briefly. However, when you put any site on the Internet licensed under AGPLv3, the AGPLv3 requires that you provide (to every user) an opportunity to receive the entire Corresponding Source for the website based on that code. These early users did not receive that source code, and Trump’s Group is currently ignoring their very public requests for it. To comply with this important FOSS license, Trump’s Group needs to immediately make that Corresponding Source available to all who used the site today while it was live. If they fail to do this within 30 days, their rights and permissions in the software are automatically and permanently terminated. That’s how AGPLv3’s cure provision works — no exceptions — even if you’re a real estate mogul, reality television star, or even a former POTUS.
The Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC)
Trumps nya sociala tjänst har kopierat Mastodon och bryter mot licensvillkoren
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