Wall Street Journal har i en serie artiklar granskat Facebooks egna undersökningar, egna analyser och avslöjar hur den sociala mediejätten inte följer slutsatserna av sina egna undersökningar. Wall Street Journal har även intervjuat en rad före detta och nuvarande anställda inom Facebook.
The Facebook Files ligger tyvärr bakom en betalvägg och kräver abonnemang för att kunna läsas. Wall Street Journal avslöjar bland annat att Facebooks egna undersökningar visar att Instagram kan var direkt skadligt för unga tonåringar, flickor. Trots det så håller Facebooks på att utveckla – Instagram for Kids – Instagram förr barn.
The Journal’s series includes: internal reports showing that Facebook was fully aware of Instagram’s deleterious impact on the mental health of teen girls, while moving full steam ahead with an Instagram for Kids product; internal documents inferring that the company lied to its independent Oversight Board when it said it gave only a small amount of celebs, pols and other grandees a wide berth to break its rules on the platform while, in fact, the free pass was given to millions; and the latest revelation that Facebook makes people angry, in part because of futile efforts of its leader, Mark Zuckerberg, to stop the endless rage.
Facebook har nu reagerat på Wall Street Journals rapportering:
At the heart of this series is an allegation that is just plain false: that Facebook conducts research and then systematically and willfully ignores it if the findings are inconvenient for the company. This impugns the motives and hard work of thousands of researchers, policy experts and engineers at Facebook who strive to improve the quality of our products, and to understand their wider (positive and negative) impact. It’s a claim which could only be made by cherry-picking selective quotes from individual pieces of leaked material in a way that presents complex and nuanced issues as if there is only ever one right answer.
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