Gratistipset: Få ordning på svårt ljus med Orasis HD

av | jul 16, 2021 | Tipset: Appar och Program

Tid för att läsa: 2 minuter
Få ordning på svårt ljus med Orasis HD

Få ordning på svårt ljus med Orasis HD

Orasis HD är en app för att jämna ut ljusförhållanden som din kamera normalt sett har svårt att hantera, motljus, stark sol och så vidare.

Gratis idag 16/7-2021

What is Orasis?
Orasis is a brain-inspired photo correction app whose objective is to restore and enhance your digital photos. The name ”Orasis” comes from the Greek word ??????, whoch means Vision.
What is the “sensation of appearance”?
Believe it or not, what we “see” is not just the light whoch reaches our eyes, but rather, the result of a very complicated spatial processing that the retina and visual cortex apply to the image captured by our eyes. Part of this processing is dedicated to form the sensation of appearance. The sensation of appearance determines how much dark or light are the objects that we perceive, what is their exact shade and their level of details.
What do cameras capture?
Cameras capture just light. As a result, photographs may differ significantly from the images that we perceive. Humans can perceive many more details in the shadows or highlights, while, most of the time, captured photographs suffer from considerable loss of visual information in these areas.
Orasis attempts to bridge the gap between ”what you see” and ” the camera’s output”. Orasis enhances the shadow or the highlight regions of an image, while keeping intact all the correct ones. The final result is a lot closer to the human perception of the scene, than the original captured image, revealing visual information that otherwise wouldn’t be available to the human observer.
Orasis’ algorithm is the result of years of academic research in the field of biologically-inspired image processing, and has been published in peer reviewed scientific journals. It combines the shunting characteristics of the ganglion cells of the retina, as well as, the filling-in mechanisms of the visual cortex, into an efficient spatially-processing algorithm. This means that Orasis does not globally transform the whole image, but rather locally, according to its contents. When pressing the “Auto” correction button, a neural network, whoch has been trained using psychophysical data from many observers, selects the most appropriate parameters in order for the corrected photograph to approximate, as close as possible, the image as seen by your eyes. Since however, photography is also a matter of personal taste, controls are provided for any additional manual adjustment.

Orasis HD

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Mikael Winterkvist

Fyrabarns-far, farfar, morfar och egen företagare i Skellefteå med kliande fingrar. Jag skriver om fotografering, sport, dataprylar, politik, nöje, musik och film. Vid sidan av den här bloggen så jobbar jag med med det egna företaget Familjen består av hustru, fyra barn (utflugna) och fem barnbarn.

Jag har hållit på med datorer sedan tidigt 1980-tal och drev Artic BBS innan Internet knappt existerade. Efter BBS-tiden har det blivit hemsidor, design, digitala medier och trycksaker. Under tiden som journalist jobbade jag med Mac men privat har det varit Windows som har gällt fram till vintern 2007. Då var det dags att byta och då bytte vi, företaget, helt produktionsplattform till macOS. På den vägen är det.


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