Apple har lämnat en in stämning riktad mot den förre chefen inom företaget, Simon Lancaster, för att ha läckt information om Apples produkter till medier.
Apple hävdar att Lancaster samlade på sig information, även utanför sitt arbete och sin roll inom Apple, och sedan använt denna information som en slags bytesvara mot positiva artiklar om ett bolag som Lancaster hade investerat i. Lancaster ska även ha anlitat en journalist som en privat utredare av rykten runt ett bolag som Lancaster investerat pengar i.
Despite over a decade of employment at Apple, Lancaster abused his position and trust within the company to systematically disseminate Apple’s sensitive trade secret information in an effort to obtain personal benefits. He used his seniority to gain access to internal meetings and documents outside the scope of his job’s responsibilities containing Apple’s trade secrets, and he provided these trade secrets to his outside media correspondent (“Correspondent”). The Correspondent then published the stolen trade secrets in articles, citing a “source” at Apple. On multiple occasions, Lancaster proposed that the Correspondent give benefits to Lancaster in exchange for Apple’s trade secrets. For example, Lancaster proposed that the Correspondent provide favorable coverage of a startup company in which Lancaster was an investor as a quid pro quo. Lancaster even recruited the Correspondent to serve as his personal investigator. In one instance, Lancaster requested that the Correspondent explore a rumor that could prove harmful to a company in which Lancaster had invested.
Apple uppger att de har säkrats bevisning för Lancasters kontakter med journalister och medier och att han även efter det att han slutade inom Apple har försett enskilda journalister med information, affärshemligheter om ännu ej lanserade produkter och ändringar i produkter och tjänster. Information som Apple gör stora ansträngningar för att hålla hemliga.
The trade secrets Lancaster stole and sent to the Correspondent for publication included details of unreleased Apple hardware products, unannounced feature changes to existing hardware products, and future product announcements, all of which Apple guards closely. Apple’s product teams—innovators, designers, and builders—work in complete secrecy, often for many years, and at significant personal burden, all to surprise and delight Apple’s customers with their creations. The deceitful and indefensible release of these product details enabled by Lancaster’s misappropriation has undermined the morale of the teams that worked on the products and features in question.
Simon Lancaster anklagas, av Apple, för att ha samlat på sig affärshemligheter, även utanför sin roll som chef inom Apple. Informationen har Lancaster sedan bytt mot positiva artiklar om ett bolag han investerat i och Apple hävdar vidare att Simon Lancaster även anlitat en enskild journalist som privat utredare. det finns även uppgifter i Apples stämning som hävdar att journalisten, som kallas ”the Correspondent” bett Lancaster att skaffa fram specifik information, specifika dokument.
Further, forensic review of the devices Apple provided to Lancaster for his work at Apple shows Lancaster and the Correspondent coordinated to pilfer specific documents and product information from Apple. On numerous occasions, the Correspondent had requested Lancaster obtain specific Apple trade secret documents and information. On multiple occasions, Lancaster then sent the Correspondent certain of the requested confidential materials using Apple-owned devices. On other occasions, Lancaster met with the Correspondent in person to provide them with the requested confidential Apple information. The full extent of their conspiracy is presently unknown; however, Apple’s investigation is ongoing.
Project X
I stämningen redovisar Apple också hur Simon Lancaster var med på ett möte, trots att han uppmanats att inte delat eftersom han vid det laget lämnat in sin avskedsansökan till Apple. Ett möte rörande ”Project X” där Lancaster ska ha fått ta del av information rörande en ny produkt, naturligtvis hemlig, som ännu inte har lanserats. Sannolikt handlar ”Project X” om Apples glasögon, AR/VR, som rykten har gjort gällande att Apple jobbar på att utveckla.Glasögon för förstärkt verklighet, Augmented Reality, och/eller virtuell verklighet, VR. För tydlighetens skull ska tilläggas att glasögonen uppges handla om AR, Augmented Reality, men det finns enstaka uppgifter även om VR, Virtuell verklighet.
Later that month, Lancaster informed the Correspondent that he intended to attend a meeting regarding Project X. […] Prior to the time Lancaster attended the Project X meeting, he was instructed by Apple that he should not attend the meeting, especially given his announced departure. Additional Apple personnel told Lancaster during the meeting that he should not be present. Lancaster eventually left the meeting, but he learned substantial SAI regarding Project X before leaving. Lancaster wrote to one of his managers who had instructed him that he should not be in the meeting that “I had already been exposed to all the hardware they showed while I was in the [meeting]. Was just hoping to see a demo.” On information and belief, this communication by Lancaster was intended to disguise his efforts to misappropriate Apple trade secrets regarding Project X.
I stämningen skriver Apple att en noggrann, omfattande utredning har gjorts av vad Simon Lancaster samlade in, hur han lämnat över informationen, till vem och Apple har även säkrat konversationer, mail och meddelanden eftersom Lancaster använde utrustning, dator, iPad och iPhone som tillhandahölls av Apple – utrustning som Simon Lancaster använde i sitt jobb och som tillhör Apple.
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