Amerikanska Wired har lyckats att få några av de som köper och säljer buggar, Zero-Day, att uttala sig. Anonymt men dock de har pratat med tidningen och berättat om till mesta dels helt dold marknad.
Det handlar om okända buggar, Zero-Day, som inte åtgärdats, patchats och som fortfarande kan exploateras. Buggar som kan användas för att kapa enheter, begå intrång och som av det skälet köps och säljs, dyrt. Det finns till med med regelrätta mäklare som förmedlar information och kunskap om sådana här buggar.
GETTING TO THE bottom of the zero-day market was a fool’s errand, they told me. When it came to zero-days, secret vulnerabilities in code, governments weren’t regulators; they were clients. These holes made up the raw material for their espionage tools and cyberweapons. They had little incentive to disclose a highly secretive program, which dealt in highly secretive goods, to a reporter like me. “You’re going to run into a lot of walls, Nicole,” Leon Panetta, the secretary of defense at the time, warned me. Michael Hayden, the former NSA director, laughed when I told him what I was up to. “Good luck,” he said, with an audible pat on the back.
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