Hela historien låter nästan för bisarr för att den ska vara sann men federala åklagare har nu åtalat en av cheferna för kinesiska Zoom sedan denna har aktivt spårat, kartlagt och försökt stoppa diskussioner om massakerna på Himmelska Fridens Torg.
Det är det amerikanska justitiedepartementet som lett utredningen och som nu efterlyser en av cheferna på Zoom.
A security executive with the video-tech giant Zoom worked with the Chinese government to terminate Americans’ accounts and disrupt video calls about the 1989 massacre of pro-democracy activists in Tiananmen Square, Justice Department prosecutors said Friday.
The case is a stunning blow for Zoom, one of the most popular new titans of American tech, which during the pandemic became one of the main ways people work, socialize and share ideas around the world. The California-based company is now worth more than $100 billion.
Den nu efterlyste spårade samtal, via Zoom, där massakern på Himmelska Fridens Torg diskuterades. Han avslutade samtal, kartlade vilka som diskuterade ämnet och skickad informationen tillbaka till kommunist-Kina.
Jin monitored Zoom’s video system for discussions of political and religious topics deemed unacceptable by China’s ruling Communist Party, the complaint states, and he gave government officials the names, email addresses and other sensitive information of users, even those outside China.
Jin worked also to end at least four video meetings in May and June, including video memorial calls with U.S.-based dissidents who’d survived the crackdown by Chinese military forces that killed thousands of students and protesters. The Chinese government works to censor any acknowledgment of the massacre, including on social media outside China.
Egen utredning
Zoom säger att de har startat en egen utredning sedan en av chefernas kommit över vad som sägs vara ”en begränsad mängd information”.
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