Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) har granskat Facebooks algoritmer och sökfunktion och funnit att den sociala mediajätten marknadsför förintelseförnekare.
ISD har gjort sökningar på ”holocaust” och fått upp förslag på sidor som administreras av förintelseföenekare. Däribland David Irving som är en av de mest kända historisförnekarna.
Facebook’s algorithm “actively promotes” Holocaust denial content according to an analysis that will increase pressure on the social media giant to remove antisemitic content relating to the Nazi genocide.
An investigation by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a UK-based counter-extremist organisation, found that typing “holocaust” in the Facebook search function brought up suggestions for denial pages, which in turn recommended links to publishers which sell revisionist and denial literature, as well as pages dedicated to the notorious British Holocaust denier David Irving.
The findings coincide with mounting international demands from Holocaust survivors to Facebook’s boss, Mark Zuckerberg, to remove such material from the site.
ISD hittade också 36 olika grupper som med över 366 000 följare/medlemmar vars budskap är att grupperna antingen skriver eget material eller så publicerar de andras texter som förnekar mordet på 6 miljoner judar.
“Denial of the Holocaust is a deliberate tool used to delegitimise the suffering of the Jewish people and perpetuate long-standing antisemitic tropes, and when people explicitly do this it should be seen as an act of hatred,” he added.
Researchers also found that Holocaust denial content is readily accessible across Twitter, Reddit and YouTube. They identified 2,300 pieces of content mentioning “holohoax” – a term often used by deniers – on Reddit, 19,000 pieces on Twitter and 9,500 pieces of content on YouTube, all created in the past two years.
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