Facebook har stängt av och raderat flera konton knutna till Donald Trumps rådgivare Roger Stone. Kontona har kopplats samman till ett nätverk för att sprida desinformation via den sociala tjänsten.
Enligt Facebook så har 54 olika konton raderats sedan de befunnits vara kopplade till Roger Stones nätverk.
In each case, the people behind this activity coordinated with one another and used fake accounts as a central part of their operations to mislead people about who they are and what they are doing, and that was the basis for our action. When we investigate and remove these operations, we focus on behavior rather than content, no matter who’s behind them, what they post, or whether they’re foreign or domestic.
The majority of the activity we removed today focused on domestic audiences in each country and was linked to commercial entities and individuals associated with political campaigns and political offices. We’ve seen and taken action against domestic political figures using CIB in the past, and we know they will continue to attempt to deceive and mislead people. Domestic campaigns like these raise a particularly complex challenge by blurring the line between healthy public debate and manipulation. Our teams will continue to find, remove and expose these coordinated manipulation campaigns, but we know these threats extend beyond our platform and no single organization can tackle them alone. That’s why it’s critical that we, as a society, have a broader discussion about what is acceptable political advocacy and take steps to deter people from crossing the line.
Facebook har även raderat konton knutan till den brasilianske presidenten Jair Bolsonaro och flera konton kopplade till Ukraina.
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