En bugg i den kryptering som ska skydda bilnycklar från att kunna kopieras kan leda till att hackare kan kopiera miljontals nycklar.
Tidigare så har bilägare oroat sig för att obehöriga ska kopiera deras bilnycklar genom att avlyssna och snappa upp radiosignalen som används för att öppna en bil. Nu har de ett annat problem att oroa sig för.
Researchers from KU Leuven in Belgium and the University of Birmingham in the UK earlier this week revealed new vulnerabilities they found in the encryption systems used by immobilizers, the radio-enabled devices inside of cars that communicate at close range with a key fob to unlock the car’s ignition and allow it to start. Specifically, they found problems in how Toyota, Hyundai, and Kia implement a Texas Instruments encryption system called DST80. A hacker who swipes a relatively inexpensive Proxmark RFID reader/transmitter device near the key fob of any car with DST80 inside can gain enough information to derive its secret cryptographic value. That in turn would allow the attacker to use the same Proxmark device to impersonate the key inside the car, disabling the immobilizer and letting them start up the engine.
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