Facebook har stämt en av sina kunder, OneAudience, för att ha brutit mot Facebooks regelverk och för att olovligen och utan att informera användarna ha hamstrat och samlat in data.
OneAudience anklagas för att ha betalat utvecklare att lägga in OneAudience eget SDK (funktioner) vilka senare användes för att samla in data:
In the lawsuit, Facebook alleges that OneAudience paid developers, sometimes shopping and game app makers, to include the SDK in their apps, some of which were distributed on the Google Play store. When a user installed and logged into one of the apps, the SDK allowed OneAudience to collect information, Facebook says.
The harvested information included names, email addresses, locales, time zones, Facebook IDs and sometimes gender information, Facebook said.
Notera att en del av dessa appar distribuerades via Goole officiella butik, Google Play, men inte via Apples App Store.
”This is the latest in our efforts to protect people and increase accountability of those who abuse the technology industry and users,” Jessica Romero, Facebook’s director of platform enforcement and litigation, said in a statement. ”Through these lawsuits, we will continue sending a message to people trying to abuse our services that Facebook is serious about enforcing our policies, including requiring developers to cooperate with us during an investigation, and advance the state of the law when it comes to data misuse and privacy.”
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